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New guide to business excellence


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Over the past 15 years, thousands of Australian organisations in both the private and public sectors have used the Australian Business Excellence Framework to stimulate and guide their approach to business improvement. Research has shown that the results of this activity varies between organisations that have reached leadership in their respective sphere of operation, to organisations that can attribute their survival in difficult times to the Framework, through to organisations that can show little for the time and resources expended. Why is it that this variation of results occurs? Here the research data becomes less definitive, however, a number of common characteristics are identifiable in organisations that have applied the Framework with success. SAI Global Professional Services has published a new Handbook titled Using the Australian Business Excellence Framework to Achieve Organisational Excellence - A How to Guide. The Handbook aims to define and explain these characteristics as organisational competencies that are pre-requisites for effective adoption of business excellence concepts.
机译:在过去的15年中,私营和公共部门的成千上万的澳大利亚组织都使用《澳大利亚卓越企业框架》来刺激和指导其改善业务的方法。研究表明,此活动的结果在已经在各自的运营领域中处于领导地位的组织,可以将其在艰难时期中的生存归因于该框架的组织,甚至可以花很少的时间和资源来花费的组织之间有所不同。 。为什么会出现这种结果差异?在这里,研究数据的确定性较差,但是,在成功应用了框架的组织中,可以确定许多共同特征。 SAI全球专业服务已发布了新手册,标题为《使用澳大利亚卓越商业框架实现组织卓越-指南》。该手册旨在将这些特征定义和解释为组织能力,这是有效采用卓越业务概念的先决条件。



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