首页> 外文期刊>The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology >A novel hybrid genetic algorithm to solve the sequence-dependent permutation flow-shop scheduling problem

A novel hybrid genetic algorithm to solve the sequence-dependent permutation flow-shop scheduling problem


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Flow-shop scheduling problem (FSP) deals with the scheduling of a set of jobs that visit a set of machines in the same order. The FSP is NP-hard, which means that there is no efficient algorithm to reach the optimal solution of the problem. To minimize the make-span of large permutation flow-shop scheduling problems in which there are sequence-dependent setup times on each machine, this paper develops one novel hybrid genetic algorithms (HGA). Proposed HGA apply a modified approach to generate the population of initial chromosomes and also use an improved heuristic called the iterated swap procedure to improve them. Also the author uses three genetic operators to make good new offspring. The results are compared to some recently developed heuristics and computational experimental results show that the proposed HGA performs very competitively with respect to accuracy and efficiency of the solutions.
机译:流水车间调度问题(FSP)处理以相同顺序访问一组机器的一组作业的调度。 FSP是NP难的,这意味着没有有效的算法可以达到问题的最佳解决方案。为了最大程度地减少每台机器上都有依赖于序列的设置时间的大型排列流水车间调度问题的发生时间,本文开发了一种新颖的混合遗传算法(HGA)。提议的HGA应用一种改进的方法来生成初始染色体的种群,并且还使用一种称为迭代交换程序的改进启发式方法来对其进行改进。作者还使用三个遗传算子来育出新的后代。将结果与最近开发的一些启发式方法进行比较,并且计算实验结果表明,所提出的HGA在解决方案的准确性和效率方面表现出非常有竞争力。



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