首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology >Maternal asthma, infant feeding, and the risk of asthma in childhood.

Maternal asthma, infant feeding, and the risk of asthma in childhood.


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Controversy surrounds the issue of whether children with asthmatic mothers should be breast-fed. The aim of this study was to investigate whether maternal asthma status alters the association between asthma and breast-feeding. In a cohort study of 2602 West Australian children enrolled before birth and followed prospectively, we collected data on method of infant feeding, maternal asthma (as reported by parental questionnaire), atopy (as measured by skin prick test), and current asthma (defined as a physician's diagnosis of asthma and wheeze in the last year) at 6 years of age. The risk of childhood asthma increased if exclusive breast-feeding was stopped (other milk was introduced) before 4 months (odds ratio, 1.28; 95% CI, 1.01-1.62; P =.038), and this risk was not altered by atopy or maternal asthma status. After adjusting for covariates, exclusive breast-feeding for less than 4 months was a significant risk factor for current asthma (odds ratio, 1.35; 95% CI, 1.00-1.82; P =.049). There was no formal statistical interaction between breast-feeding and maternal asthma status (P =.970). In this study maternal asthma status did not modify the association between asthma and breast-feeding duration. We recommend that infants with or without a maternal history of asthma be exclusively breast-fed for 4 months and beyond.
机译:围绕哮喘母亲的孩子是否应该母乳喂养的问题一直存在争议。这项研究的目的是调查母体哮喘状况是否会改变哮喘与母乳喂养之间的关联。在一项针对2602名在出生前入选并进行前瞻性研究的西澳大利亚儿童的队列研究中,我们收集了有关婴儿喂养方法,母体哮喘(由父母问卷调查报告),特应性疾病(由皮肤点刺试验测量)和当前哮喘(已定义)的数据。作为医生在去年6岁时对哮喘和喘息的诊断。如果在4个月之前停止纯母乳喂养(引入其他牛奶),儿童哮喘的风险会增加(赔率,1.28; 95%CI,1.01-1.62; P = .038),并且该风险不会因特应性改变而改变。或孕产妇哮喘病状态。调整协变量后,纯母乳喂养不足4个月是当前哮喘的重要危险因素(几率为1.35; 95%CI为1.00-1.82; P = .049)。母乳喂养和母亲哮喘状态之间没有正式的统计学相互作用(P = .970)。在这项研究中,母亲的哮喘状况并未改变哮喘与母乳喂养时间之间的关联。我们建议有或没有母体哮喘病史的婴儿仅靠母乳喂养四个月或更长时间。



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