首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension >Agricultural extension in Latin America: current dynamics of pluralistic advisory systems in heterogeneous contexts

Agricultural extension in Latin America: current dynamics of pluralistic advisory systems in heterogeneous contexts


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Similar to other parts of the world, in Latin America agricultural extension systems1 have gained renewed attention in policy discourse and practice in recent years (Alemany and Sevilla-Guzmdn 2007; Aguirre 2012), in order to help achieve multiple goals, such as equitable rural development, transfer of technologies aimed at increasing agricultural productivity, food security and adaptation to climate change. Latin America provides an interesting context for studying the dynamics in extension systems,because (1) in many countries there are pluralistic extension systems with different types of providers and the state often has outsourced extension, (2) many countries have agricultural sectors consisting of both commercialized export-oriented agriculture by large farms and smallholder agriculture and (3) several innovative extension initiatives and proposals have been developed in the region drawing on local academic traditions, which can enrich the global debate on rural extension.
机译:与世界其他地区类似,近年来,拉丁美洲的农业推广体系1在政策讨论和实践中受到了新的关注(Alemany和Sevilla-Guzmdn 2007; Aguirre 2012),以帮助实现多个目标,例如公平的农村开发,转让旨在提高农业生产率,粮食安全和适应气候变化的技术。拉丁美洲为研究推广体系的动态提供了有趣的环境,因为(1)在许多国家中,多元化的推广体系具有不同类型的提供者,而国家通常将外包进行了外包;(2)许多国家的农业部门包括两者大型农场和小农农业实现了出口商品化的商业化;(3)该地区根据当地的学术传统制定了一些创新的推广计划和建议,可以丰富关于农村推广的全球性辩论。



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