首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Adhesion >New Adhesion Promoters for Copper Leadframes and Epoxy Resin

New Adhesion Promoters for Copper Leadframes and Epoxy Resin


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New primer molecules have been synthesized to increase the adhesion strength between a copper leadframe and an epoxy molding compound in microelectronical devices. The coupling agents were preliminarily chemisorbed at the surface of copper plate via special binding groups like thiol, disulfide, ethylene diamine and phthalocyanine. Binding to the epoxy resin was performed via an hydroxyl group. Linear hydrocarbon spacers with various chain lengths connected the copper- and epoxy-binding group. The selfassembled layers of the organic coupling agents at the metal surface were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Thermogravimetric analysis was used to study the coating with respect to its corrosion oxidation inhibition. Shear tests clearly indicated that the coupling agents increase adhesion strength and are stable even in extreme humidity and thermal conditions in analogy to IPC-Level-1 pretreatment. Thus, delamination of the microelectronical packages was prevented.



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