首页> 外文期刊>The international journal of human resource management >High-performance work systems and the change management process in medium-sized firms

High-performance work systems and the change management process in medium-sized firms


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Both high-performance work systems (HPWS) and SMEs have received growing attention in HRM research. However, the literature on HRM in SMEs has mainly focused on the issues of 'homogeneity' versus 'heterogeneity' behaviours, on the one hand, and on the antithesis between the 'small is beautiful' and the 'bleak-house' perspectives on the other. On the basis of original information acquired by means of a survey performed on more than 100 Italian firms and an in-depth study of eight of them, this study analyses the degree of adoption of HPWS and aspects related to the processes of change towards HPWS in medium-sized firms. We consider the main theoretical approaches that address the choices made by enterprises, paying particular attention to the role of organisational culture. The main findings show that: (1) decision-making power on work organisation is a prerogative of the owner and top management, while HRM functions play an important role mainly in the proposal-making stage; (2) change in smaller enterprises is managed autonomously by management, while worker involvement prevails in larger enterprises; and (3) strategies for change concentrate mainly on clearly identified occupational groups and they do not translate into a true paradigm of change in organisational management as a whole. These findings have major implications for future research and for the SME policy debate.
机译:高性能工作系统(HPWS)和中小型企业在人力资源管理研究中越来越受到关注。然而,一方面,关于中小企业人力资源管理的文献主要侧重于“同质性”与“异质性”行为的问题,以及针对“小是美”与“空白屋”观点之间的对立面。其他。根据对100多家意大利公司进行的调查获得的原始信息以及对其中8家公司的深入研究,本研究分析了HPWS的采用程度以及与HPWS转向过程相关的方面。中型企业。我们考虑解决企业选择问题的主要理论方法,并特别注意组织文化的作用。主要研究结果表明:(1)工作组织的决策权是所有者和最高管理者的特权,而人力资源管理职能则主要在提案制定阶段发挥重要作用; (2)小型企业的变更由管理层自主管理,而大型企业的工人参与占主导地位; (3)变革策略主要集中在明确确定的职业群体上,它们并没有转化为整个组织管理变革的真正范式。这些发现对未来的研究和中小企业政策辩论具有重大意义。



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