首页> 外文期刊>The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology >Comparing indoor wastewater-fed aquaculture with two conventional wastewater treatment plants using adopted sustainable process indices.

Comparing indoor wastewater-fed aquaculture with two conventional wastewater treatment plants using adopted sustainable process indices.


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Highly aggregating 'Sustainable Process Indices' (SPI) were calculated for an indoor wastewater-fed aquaculture and two conventional wastewater treatment plants to make a direct comparison between the three facilities possible. The goal was to find out which technology would be better suited for use in a sustainable economy. The SPI provides a type of 'ecological footprint' for the three facilities on the basis that, in a sustainable economy, solar energy would be our main energy source and that surface area would become the limiting factor for economic development, because the transformation of solar energy into other forms of energy, products or services requires area. SPI calculations consider the area necessary for the sustainable dissipation of byproducts and wastes of a process into the environment. The SPI thus uses area as its basic unit for comparisons between different technologies, products or services. Energy consumption, as well as treatment performance (both the quality and quantity of treated effluent), and multi-functionality of facilities were key variables in determining how much area a wastewater treatment plant would need to be embedded sustainably into the environment. The calculated SPIs reveal that the wastewater-fed aquaculture requires the least area to be embedded sustainably into the environment, therefore, it would be better suited for use in a sustainable economy compared to the two conventional wastewater treatment plants..
机译:对室内废水喂养的水产养殖场和两个常规废水处理厂计算了高度汇总的“可持续过程指数”(SPI),以使这三个设施之间可以直接进行比较。目的是找出哪种技术更适合在可持续经济中使用。 SPI为这三个设施提供了一种“生态足迹”,其基础是,在可持续的经济中,太阳能将成为我们的主要能源,而表面积将成为经济发展的限制因素,因为太阳能的转化能源转化为其他形式的能源,产品或服务所需要的面积。 SPI计算考虑了过程中副产品和废物可持续排放到环境中所需的面积。因此,SPI使用区域作为其基本单位,以比较不同的技术,产品或服务。能源消耗,处理性能(处理后的废水的质量和数量)以及设施的多功能性是确定废水处理厂需要可持续地嵌入环境的面积的关键变量。计算得出的SPI显示,采用废水喂养的水产养殖需要最少的面积才能可持续地嵌入到环境中,因此,与两个传统的废水处理厂相比,它更适合用于可持续经济。



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