首页> 外文期刊>The European physical journal, B. Condensed matter physics >Topological Berry phase and semiclassical quantization of cyclotron orbits for two dimensional electrons in coupled band models

Topological Berry phase and semiclassical quantization of cyclotron orbits for two dimensional electrons in coupled band models


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The semiclassical quantization of cyclotron orbits for two-dimensional Bloch electrons in a coupled two band model with a particle-hole symmetric spectrum is considered. As concrete examples, we study graphene (both mono and bilayer) and boron nitride. The main focus is on wave effects - such as Berry phase and Maslov index - occurring at order h in the semiclassical quantization and producing non-trivial shifts in the resulting Landau levels. Specifically, we show that the index shift appearing in the Landau levels is related to a topological part of the Berry phase - which is basically a winding number of the direction of the pseudo-spin 1/2 associated to the coupled bands - acquired by an electron during a cyclotron orbit and not to the complete Berry phase, as commonly stated. As a consequence, the Landau levels of a coupled band insulator are shifted as compared to a usual band insulator. We also study in detail the Berry curvature in the whole Brillouin zone on a specific example (boron nitride) and show that its computation requires care in defining the "k-dependent Hamiltonian" H(k), where k is the Bloch wavevector.
机译:考虑了具有粒子-孔对称光谱的耦合两波段模型中二维布洛赫电子回旋加速器轨道的半经典量化。作为具体示例,我们研究石墨烯(单层和双层)和氮化硼。主要关注的是波效应-例如Berry相位和Maslov指数-发生在半经典量化中的阶次h处,并在最终的Landau电平中产生非平凡的偏移。具体而言,我们表明,出现在Landau层中的折射率偏移与Berry相的拓扑部分有关-基本上是与耦合带相关的伪自旋1/2方向的绕组数-由如通常所说,在回旋加速器轨道上的电子,而不是在完整的贝里相。结果,与通常的带状绝缘子相比,耦合的带状绝缘子的Landau能级移动。我们还详细研究了一个特定示例(氮化硼)上整个布里渊区的Berry曲率,并表明在计算“ k依赖的哈密顿量” H(k)时需要谨慎计算,其中k是Bloch波矢。



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