首页> 外文期刊>The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction >Intrauterine plasma treatment for endometritis in Jersey crossbred cows

Intrauterine plasma treatment for endometritis in Jersey crossbred cows


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Intrauterine therapy with autologous plasma was evaluated for its therapeutic efficiency in cross bred Jersey cows with endometritis. Eight cows with endometritis were given intrauterine infusion of 50 ml autologous plasma on day 1, 2 and 3 of oestrous cycle considering day of estrus as day 0. The cows were evaluated in terms of physico-chemical characteristics of estrual mucus (viz., pH, nature of estrual mucus and white side test), histopathology of uterine biopsy and conception rate. The treated cows showed improvement in all the above parameters mentioned and conception rate was 50%. Hence, the intrauterine autologous plasma treatment recovers cross bred Jersey cows from endometritis.
机译:评估了使用自体血浆进行宫内治疗对子宫内膜炎杂交泽西牛的治疗效果。在发情周期的第1天,第2天和第3天,将8头子宫内膜炎的母牛子宫内输注50 ml自体血浆,以发情日作为第0天。对这些母牛的雌性黏液的理化特性(即pH值)进行了评估。 ,性粘液的性质和白面试验),子宫活检的组织病理学和受孕率。经处理的母牛在上述所有上述参数上均表现出改善,受胎率为50%。因此,子宫内自体血浆治疗从子宫内膜炎中恢复了杂交泽西奶牛。



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