首页> 外文期刊>The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences >Effect of deficit irrigation on growth and yield of drip irrigated cabbage

Effect of deficit irrigation on growth and yield of drip irrigated cabbage


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A field experiment was conducted on cabbage crop (var. Indo-American Hybrid Ramakrishna) during the winter season of 2010-11 in loamy soil of Water Technology Centre, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of three levels of irrigation, i.e. 60, 80 and 100% of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and two types of drip irrigation systems, viz. pressure compensating (PC) and non-pressure compensating (NPC) drippers on the cabbage growth and yield. Rated discharge of PC and NPC drippers were 1.0 and 2.1 litres per hour (lph). Cabbage crop was sown in November 2013 at the spacing of 30cm (plant to plant) and 60cm (row to row). Leaf Area Index (LAI) was recorded at initial, developmental, mid-season and maturity stages while the root volume was determined at the maturity stage of crop growth. Under PC system, the LAI values of 0.59, 0.90 and 2.07 were recorded at initial, developmental and middle stage of crop, respectively. During maturity stage, NPC dripper showed higher LAI (2.61) as compared to PC drippers (2.57). Increased wetting depth under NPC system resulted in higher root depth (70 cm) and higher root volume. The maximum and minimum yields obtained in PC drippers were 91.2 and 83.33 t/ha, whereas in the plot having NPC drippers, maximum and minimum yields obtained were 61.48 and 53.70 t/ha, respectively. Yield obtained under 80 and 100 % ETc was not significantly different, however full application of water (100%) resulted in better yield. Thus, Pressure compensating drippers with discharge matching to crop water needs (1.0 lph) and irrigation at 80 % ETc is recommended as optimum practice for cabbage cultivation in loamy soils of northern India.
机译:在2010-11冬季,在新德里印度农业研究所水技术中心的壤土上,对白菜作物(印度-美洲杂种罗摩克里希纳种)进行了田间试验。该研究的目的是评估三种灌溉水平(即作物蒸散量(ETc)的60%,80%和100%)和两种滴灌系统的效果。压力补偿(PC)和非压力补偿(NPC)滴头对白菜的生长和产量的影响。 PC和NPC滴头的额定排量为每小时1.0升和2.1升(lph)。 2013年11月,白菜作物的播种间距为30厘米(植物到植物)和60厘米(行到行)。在初始,发育,中期,成熟阶段记录叶面积指数(LAI),而在作物生长的成熟阶段测定根系体积。在PC系统下,农作物的初始,发育和中期的LAI值分别为0.59、0.90和2.07。在成熟阶段,NPC滴头的LAI(2.61)比PC滴头(2.57)高。在NPC系统下增加浸润深度会导致更高的根深(70 cm)和更大的根体积。在PC滴头中获得的最大和最小产量分别为91.2和83.33 t / ha,而在具有NPC滴头的样地中,获得的最大和最小产量分别为61.48和53.70 t / ha。在80%和100%的ETc下获得的收率没有显着差异,但是完全施用水(100%)可获得更好的收率。因此,建议将压力补偿滴头的排量与作物需水量(1.0 lph)相匹配,并以ETc的80%进行灌溉,作为印度北部壤土中白菜栽培的最佳实践。



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