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What I saw of the revolution: Reflections of a corporate environmentalmanager in the 1990s BC coastal forest industry


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Did MacMillan Bloedel really end the "war in the woods?" After years of intense battling, Greenpeace brought out the champagne for MB's June 1998 announcement of a new direction in forestry. In January 1999, Tomorrow Magazine, a global environmental business publication produced in Sweden, named MB "Company of the Year." MacMillan Bloedel Vice President Linda Coady, a key player in the company's remarkable turnaround, says that behind the scenes, the conflict continues. And surprisingly, she says it's appropriate and even beneficial to sustain debate over BC's forests - although on a different plane, where competition and cooperation are seen as two sides of the same coin, and where ideological polarization is replaced by the kind of relationships that can deal with complexity.
机译:MacMillan Bloedel真的结束了“森林战争”吗?经过多年的激烈斗争,绿色和平组织为MB 1998年6月宣布的林业新方向宣布了香槟。 1999年1月,瑞典出版的全球环境商业出版物《明天杂志》将MB评为“年度公司”。麦克米伦·布洛德尔(MacMillan Bloedel)副总裁琳达·科迪(Linda Coady)是公司业绩斐然的关键人物,他说,在幕后,冲突仍在继续。令人惊讶的是,她说,保持对卑诗省森林的辩论是适当的,甚至是有益的,尽管在不同的平面上,竞争与合作被视为同一枚硬币的两个方面,而意识形态上的两极化被可以处理复杂性。



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