首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club >Taxonomic status of the Degodi Lark Mirafra degodiensis, with notes on the voice of Gillett's Lark M. gilletti

Taxonomic status of the Degodi Lark Mirafra degodiensis, with notes on the voice of Gillett's Lark M. gilletti

机译:Degodi Lark Mirafra degodiensis的分类学地位,并带有Gillett's Lark M. gilletti的声音

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When first described, from two specimens taken at Bogol Manyo (='Bogol Mayo') in south-east Ethiopia in 1971, the Degodi Lark Mirafra degodiensis was considerec a sibling species of the Horn of Africa's Gillett's Lark M. gilletti. However, subsequent field reports have failed to clarify how the two taxa can be separated. In order to evaluate the differences between Degodi Lark and Gillett's Lark we measured the two Degodi specimens (Plus one we caught ourselves) and 43 Gillett's, reviewed the literature on the Subject to assemble all the published diagnostic characters, and visited Bogol Manyo and adjacent areas to photograph, observe and sound-record both taxa. We find that there is no morphometric disjunction between the taxa, no evidence of vocal separation, no consistent plumage difference, and no molecular distinction. We therefore regard M. degodiensis as most probably a synonym of M. gilletti; if it is retained as a subspecies of gilletti it must be chiefly on account of its smaller mean size.
机译:最初描述时,从1971年在埃塞俄比亚东南部Bogol Manyo(=“ Bogol Mayo”)采集的两个标本中,Degodi Lark Mirafra degodiensis被认为是非洲之角Gillett的Lark M. gilletti的同胞物种。但是,后续的现场报告未能阐明如何区分两个分类单元。为了评估Degodi Lark和Gillett's Lark之间的差异,我们测量了两个Degodi标本(加上一个我们自己抓到的标本)和43 Gillett's,审查了有关该主题的文献,以整理所有已发表的诊断特征,并参观了Bogol Manyo和附近地区拍摄,观察和声音记录两个分类单元。我们发现,在分类单元之间没有形态上的分离,没有声音分离的证据,没有一致的羽毛差异,也没有分子差异。因此,我们认为degodiensis可能是gilletti的同义词。如果将其保留为吉列蒂(Gilletti)的一个亚种,则必须主要考虑其平均大小较小。



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