首页> 外文期刊>The herpetological bulletin >Use of artificial refuges by the northern viper Vipera berus -3. An experimental improvement to the thermal properties of refuges

Use of artificial refuges by the northern viper Vipera berus -3. An experimental improvement to the thermal properties of refuges

机译:北部vi蛇使用的人造避难所Vipera berus -3。避难所热性能的实验改进

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To increase the use of galvanised corrugated-iron refuges ('tins') by northern vipers (Vipera berus) in a chalk downland reserve, insulation mats were placed on half of the bare ground area below the tins. During the day time the operative temperatures (T_e) on the mats, demonstrated by physical models, averaged 2-4℃ warmer than bare ground under the same refuges but ranged as much as 10℃ warmer. Vipers were found more frequently under insulated than uninsulated tins and, when under these tins, were more likely to be on the mat than on the bare ground. Adult males on mats in March/early April had body temperatures (T_b) 9.4°-15.8℃ higher than Te (which at this time of year is particularly low). At other times adult males, females and juveniles were on average about 1 to 2℃ warmer but, surprisingly, subadults showed no temperature difference. Insulation mats, by enabling the vipers to maintain higher Tb, should improve their physiological performance and if they reduce open basking and the incentive to search for warmer positions then they could reduce exposure to avian predators. The inclusion of an insulation mat as a component of an improved refuge design is now under investigation.
机译:为了增加北部vi蛇(Vipera berus)在白垩旱地保护区中使用镀锌波纹铁避难所('tins'),将隔热垫放在罐头下方裸露地面的一半上。白天,通过物理模型证明的垫子上的工作温度(T_e)比相同避难所的裸露地面平均高2-4℃,但最高可高出10℃。与未绝缘的锡罐相比,在绝缘的锡罐中发现蛇的频率更高,而在这些锡罐下的蛇更可能位于垫子上而不是裸露的地面上。在三月/四月初,坐在垫子上的成年男性的体温(T_b)比Te高9.4°-15.8℃(一年中的这个时候温度特别低)。在其他时候,成年雄性,雌性和少年的平均温度要高出约1至2℃,但令人惊讶的是,亚成年没有温差。通过使vi蛇保持较高的Tb,隔热垫应能改善其生理性能,如果它们减少了裸露的晒太阳和寻找温暖的位置的诱因,则它们可以减少与禽类天敌的接触。目前正在研究将隔热垫作为改进的避难所设计的组成部分。



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