首页> 外文期刊>The Hearing journal >Ear Aid Nepal Lays Foundation for Current Care and Future Training

Ear Aid Nepal Lays Foundation for Current Care and Future Training


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In Nepal, ear disease and deafness are the most common disabilities. While it's not clear exactly why that's the case, a combination of factors, including poor living conditions, frequent upper respiratory infections during childhood, smoke and dust in the home, nutritional deficiencies, and lack of adequate knowledge about care and treatment of the early stages of infection, is probably to blame. The absence of medical facilities in remote parts of the mountainous country and the costs of care must also play a part. There is only one ear, nose, and throat (ENT) surgeon for every 600,000 people in Nepal, and just one audiologist for every 6,000,000 people. As a result, untreated ear disease can cause serious problems, including severe pain and life-threatening infections. In addition, people may not be able to provide for their families if they cannot hear well enough to hold down a job. The charity Ear Aid Nepal works to treat those in Nepal who have ear problems and to teach others how to do the same. Our passion is to reach those who live in relatively poor situations, where obtaining treatment may seem like an impossible dream.



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