首页> 外文期刊>The Canadian Field-Naturalist >Observations of habitat use by polar bears, Ursus maritimus, in the Alaskan Beaufort, Chukchi, and northern Bering Seas

Observations of habitat use by polar bears, Ursus maritimus, in the Alaskan Beaufort, Chukchi, and northern Bering Seas

机译:观察阿拉斯加博福特,楚科奇和白令海北部的北极熊,北极熊(Ursus maritimus)对栖息地的利用

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A total of 1 112 Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) at 482 sightings were recorded during aerial surveys in the Beaufort, Chukchi, and northern Bering Seas conducted primarily during September and October from 1979-1999. Of these bears, 784 were observed offshore at 400 sightings. The surveys were conducted by the Naval Ocean Systems Center and Minerals Management Service; they were designed to monitor the fall Bowhead Whale (Balaena mysticetus) migration. Over the 20-year period, 1 096 620 kilometers of surveys were flown. The majority of the offshore Polar Bears, 595 bears at 290 sightings, and most of the kill sites and polar bear tracks were recorded in 80-100% ice cover. The number of bears per kilometer increased substantially in >24% ice cover, with the highest number observed in 80-100% ice cover. This habitat use probably is related to the availability of seals, their primary prey. There were 328 bears (83 sightings) recorded on land, and most of them were associated with whale carcasses and bowhead whale subsistence harvest sites along the Alaskan Beaufort Sea coast.
机译:在1979-1999年的9月和10月进行的波弗特,楚科奇和白令海北部的空中勘测中,总共记录了112次北极熊(Ursus maritimus),共482次。在这些熊中,有400人目睹了784头熊。这些调查是由海军海洋系统中心和矿产管理处进行的;它们旨在监视秋天的弓头鲸(Balaena mysticetus)迁徙。在20年中,完成了1,096,620公里的调查。大部分海上北极熊,290只目击者中有595头熊,大多数击杀地点和北极熊的踪迹记录在80-100%的冰盖中。在> 24%的冰覆盖下,每公里的熊数量大幅增加,在80-100%的冰覆盖下观察到的熊数量最多。这种栖息地的使用可能与海豹的主要猎物海豹的可用性有关。陆地上记录有328头熊(有83头熊),其中大多数与阿拉斯加博福特海岸沿岸的鲸鱼尸体和低头鲸维持生计的收获地点有关。



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