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Damage to common plumbing materials caused by overwintering Leptoglossus occidental is (Hemiptera: Coreidae)


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The western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalls Heidemann (Hemiptera: Coreidae), is a polyphagous pest of coniferous trees (Hedlin et al. 1981). Native to western North America, the seed bug has expanded its range to include eastern Canada andthe United States (McPherson et al. 1990; Gall 1992; Marshall 1992; Ridge-O'Connor 2001; Bates 2002) and was recently introduced into Europe (Taylor et al. 2001). Both adults and nymphs feed by inserting their stylets into cones and digesting the contents of developing seeds, and they can cause serious economic losses in high-value seed orchards (Strong et al. 2001; Bates et al. 2002; Bates and Borden 2005). In late summer and early fall, L. occidentalis adults seek sheltered locations in which to aggregate and overwinter, including tree cavities, animal nests, and man-made structures (Hussey 1953; Koerber 1963; Gall 1992; Blatt 1994). Aggregations appear to be mediated by a male-produced pheromone (Blatt and Borden 1996) and may contain a few to over 2000 individuals (Blatt 1994). Seed bugs overwintering in houses and other buildings have been previously regarded as nuisance pests only.
机译:西部针叶树种子臭虫Leptoglossus occidentalls Heidemann(半翅目:金龟科)是针叶树的多食性害虫(Hedlin等,1981)。该种虫原产于北美西部,其范围已扩大到加拿大东部和美国(McPherson等,1990; Gall,1992; Marshall,1992; Ridge-O'Connor,2001; Bates,2002),最近被引入欧洲( Taylor等,2001)。成虫和若虫都通过将其探针插入圆锥体并消化发育中的种子的内容来进食,它们会在高价值的种子园中造成严重的经济损失(Strong等,2001; Bates等,2002; Bates和Borden,2005)。 。在夏末和初秋,西方乳杆菌成虫寻求庇护的地方聚集和越冬,其中包括树洞,动物巢和人造结构(Hussey 1953; Koerber 1963; Gall 1992; Blatt 1994)。聚集似乎是由雄性产生的信息素介导的(Blatt and Borden 1996),可能包含少数至超过2000个个体(Blatt 1994)。在房屋和其他建筑物中越冬的虫子以前仅被视为令人讨厌的害虫。



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