首页> 外文期刊>The European physical journal: Special topics >Binding of Biotin to Streptavidin: A combined fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and time-resolved fluorescence study

Binding of Biotin to Streptavidin: A combined fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and time-resolved fluorescence study


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The Biotin-Streptavidin complex is a widely studied system in biology and biophysics, because of its extremely strong non-covalent binding affinity. The latter is often exploited to link molecules to substrates or to one another. However, the details of the Biotin-Streptavidin binding have not been fully elucidated so far. Particularly, the role of cooperative effects in enhancing the binding affinity has not been clarified. Our long-term aim is to investigate this point by implementing two complementary approaches, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and time-correlated single-photon counting. As both methods rely on the analysis of fluorescence signals, biotin labeled with Atto-550-dye was used. In this work, in order to get a first overview of the system, we analyzed solutions in three paradigmatic ranges of Biotin-to-Streptavidin concentration ratio. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy measurements allowed us to extract diffusion times of free biotin and of biotin-Streptavidin complexes, and also to gain Fig. 1. The three species that are assumed to be present in the samples. (I) Saturated Streptavidin (s), with four bound Biotin (b) molecules; (II) marginally bound Streptavidin; (III) free Biotin.
机译:生物素-链霉亲和素复合物由于其极强的非共价结合亲和力而在生物学和生物物理学中得到广泛研究。经常利用后者来将分子连接至底物或彼此。然而,到目前为止,尚未完全阐明生物素-链霉亲和素结合的细节。特别是,尚未阐明协同作用在增强结合亲和力中的作用。我们的长期目标是通过实施两种互补方法来研究这一点,即荧光相关光谱法和与时间相关的单光子计数。由于两种方法都依赖于荧光信号的分析,因此使用了标有Atto-550染料的生物素。在这项工作中,为了获得系统的初步概览,我们分析了生物素与链霉亲和素浓度比的三个范式范围内的解决方案。荧光相关光谱法的测量使我们能够提取出游离生物素和生物素-链霉亲和素复合物的扩散时间,并获得了图1。假定存在于样品中的是三种。 (I)具有四个结合的生物素(b)分子的饱和链霉亲和素; (II)边缘结合的链霉亲和素; (III)游离生物素。



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