首页> 外文期刊>The European Journal of Neuroscience >Low-frequency stimulation of the direct cortical input to area CA1 induces homosynaptic LTD and heterosynaptic LTP in the rat hippocampal-entorhinal cortex slice preparation.

Low-frequency stimulation of the direct cortical input to area CA1 induces homosynaptic LTD and heterosynaptic LTP in the rat hippocampal-entorhinal cortex slice preparation.


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The entorhinal cortex (EC) innervates area CA1 and the subiculum directly via the portion of the perforant path, which originates from EC layer III cells referred to as direct cortical input (dCI), and indirectly via the trisynaptic loop through the dentate gyrus and area CA3. The dCI is of great importance as it mediates positional information for activation of place cells that is not prevented after interrupting information flow from area CA3 to CA1. In this study, we investigated the effects of low-frequency stimulation of the dCI on homo- and heterosynaptic plasticity in area CA1 and tested for the contribution of NMDA, GABA(A), GABA(B), kainate and group I mGlu receptors. We demonstrate that 1 Hz stimulation of the dCI induces homosynaptic long-term depression (LTD) and that 1 Hz stimulation of the dCI induces a long-lasting augmentation of stratum radiatum-induced population spikes in area CA1 (heterosynaptic long-term potentiation). Additionally we show that homosynaptic effects depend on activation of GABA(B) and kainate receptors, whereas the heterosynaptic effects are GABA(A) and mGlu receptor dependent.
机译:内嗅皮层(EC)直接通过穿孔路径的一部分来支配区域CA1和下丘脑,穿孔路径起源于被称为直接皮质输入(dCI)的EC层III细胞,并间接地通过三突触环穿过齿状回和区域CA3。 dCI非常重要,因为它介导了位置信息激活位置单元的功能,在中断从区域CA3到CA1的信息流之后,这是无法避免的。在这项研究中,我们调查了低频刺激dCI对CA1区同型和异型突触可塑性的影响,并测试了NMDA,GABA(A),GABA(B),海藻酸盐和I类mGlu受体的作用。我们证明了dCI的1 Hz刺激诱导了同源突触的长期抑郁症(LTD),而dCI的1 Hz刺激诱导了CA1区域中辐射层诱发的种群尖峰的持久增加(异突触的长期增强)。此外,我们显示,高突触效应取决于GABA(B)和红藻氨酸受体的激活,而异突触效应取决于GABA(A)和mGlu受体。



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