首页> 外文期刊>The European journal of health economics: HEPAC : health economics in prevention and care >Health, social and economic consequences of hypersomnia: a controlled national study from a national registry evaluating the societal effect on patients and their partners.

Health, social and economic consequences of hypersomnia: a controlled national study from a national registry evaluating the societal effect on patients and their partners.


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Hypersomnia causes significant socioeconomic burden, but there is insufficient information about the time course and the effect on the partner. The aim of this study was to estimate the factual direct and productivity costs of hypersomnia in a controlled study including all national patients and their partners. Using records from the Danish National Patient Registry (1997-2009), we identified all patients with a diagnosis of hypersomnia and compared these patients and their partners with randomly chosen controls matched for age, gender, geographic area and marital status. Direct and productivity costs, including frequencies of primary and sector contacts and procedures, medication, labour supply and social transfer payments were extracted from the national databases. A total of 2,855 national patients was compared to 11,382 controls. About 70 % of patients and controls were married or cohabiting. Patients with hypersomnia had significantly higher rates of health-related contact, medication use and socioeconomic cost. Furthermore, they had slightly lower employment rates, and those in employment had a lower income level than control subjects. The annual mean excess health-related cost including social transfers was 3,498 for patients with hypersomnia and 3,851 for their partners. The social and health-related consequences could be identified up to 11 years before the first diagnosis among both the patients and their partners and became more pronounced as the disease advanced. The health effects were present in all age groups and in both genders. On the basis of this retrospective controlled study in the Danish population, symptoms and findings of hypersomnia are associated with major socioeconomic consequences for patients, their partners and society.
机译:失眠会造成巨大的社会经济负担,但是关于时间进程及其对伴侣的影响的信息不足。这项研究的目的是在包括所有本国患者及其伴侣的对照研究中,估计失眠的事实直接和生产力成本。使用丹麦国家患者注册中心(1997-2009)的记录,我们确定了所有诊断为失眠的患者,并将这些患者及其伴侣与年龄,性别,地理区域和婚姻状况相匹配的随机对照进行了比较。直接费用和生产率费用,包括主要和部门联系和程序的频率,药物,劳动力供应和社会转移支付,均从国家数据库中提取。将总共​​2855名本国患者与11382名对照进行了比较。约70%的患者和对照组已婚或同居。患有失眠症的患者与健康相关的接触,药物使用和社会经济成本的比率明显更高。此外,他们的就业率略低,就业者的收入水平低于对照组。包括社会转移在内的年平均超额健康相关费用包括:社会失眠和精神病患者的费用分别为<498> 3498和<385>。与社会和健康有关的后果可以在患者及其伴侣首次诊断之前长达11年被发现,并且随着疾病的发展而变得更加明显。在所有年龄段和性别中均存在健康影响。在丹麦人群的这项回顾性对照研究的基础上,失眠的症状和发现与对患者,其伴侣和社会的重大社会经济后果有关。



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