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History and Philosophy of Logic


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Henry Maurice Sheffer's name is an inherent part of the history of logic. Almost everybody who has come into closer contact with logic is familiar with the ambitious aim of practicing logic with the smallest possible set of primitives and axioms. The introduction of the "Sheffer Stroke" to the system of Principia Mathematica in 1913 - replacing the primitive symbols for adjunction and negation - marks an important contribution to modern formal logic in the early 20th century. No less a figure than Bertrand Russell supported Sheffer throughout his lifetime. But apart from Sheffer's most basic propositional connective, most of us know almost nothing about his further scientific work.
机译:亨利·莫里斯·谢弗(Henry Maurice Sheffer)的名字是逻辑史上固有的一部分。几乎每个与逻辑紧密联系的人都熟悉以最小的原语和公理集实践逻辑的雄心勃勃的目标。 1913年在数学原理体系中引入了“谢弗笔画”(Sheffer Stroke),取代了附加和否定的原始符号,这标志着20世纪初对现代形式逻辑的重要贡献。这个数字不亚于伯特兰·罗素(Bertrand Russell)支持谢弗(Sheffer)的一生。但是,除了谢弗最基本的命题连接词外,我们大多数人对他的进一步科学工作几乎一无所知。



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