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The mass emergence of Hoplia philanthus Fuessly (Scarabaeidae)

机译:Hoplia philanthus Fuessly(Scarabaeidae)的大量出现

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On 16 June 2015 at between 9am and 11am, before the sky clouded over, hundreds of Hoplia philanthus Fuessly started to emerge from mown areas of meadowland which we have created in our garden. We first noticed specimens of Hoplia in 2003 and gradually over the last 12 years the numbers have increased exponentially. We created meadowland over 30 years by just letting the lawn grass grow, letting the flora seed and then cutting the hay and removing the cuttings. We have introduced one specimen of yellow-rattle Rhinanthus minor and one specimen of cowslip Primula veris, which we rescued from a farm track, and which have now spread throughout the meadow. Species like the common spotted orchid have just arrived and there are large ant mounds of the species Lasius flavus (Fabricius) associated with meadows. We have, of course never used any fertilizers. By cutting pathways through the meadows it defines the meadow areas, makes it look neat and tidy but also creates areas for the chafers to colonise.
机译:2015年6月16日上午9点至上午11点之间,在天空乌云密布之前,数百个霍普利亚(Hoplia philanthus)富埃斯利(Fuessly)开始从我们在花园中创造的草甸割草区中出来。我们在2003年首次注意到霍普里亚(Hoplia)的标本,在过去的12年中,该数字逐渐成倍增加。我们通过让草坪草生长,让植物种子播种,然后割除干草和去除切屑的方式,在30多年的时间内创造了草地。我们引入了一只黄色摇铃小犀牛标本和一只牛lip樱草的标本,这些标本是从农场的田野中救出的,现在已经遍及整个草地。像常见的斑点兰花这样的物种刚刚到达,并且有与草地相关的大型黄雀(Lasius flavus(Fabricius))。当然,我们从未使用过任何肥料。通过切开穿过草地的通路,可以定义草地区域,使其看起来整洁而又为金龟子定居的区域。



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