首页> 外文期刊>The coleopterist >Paederus littoralis Gravenhorst, Quedius longicornis Kraatz (Staphylinidae) andLytta vesicatoria (Linnaeus) (Meloidae) to be deleted from the Irish list, and the validity of R.E. Dillon Coleoptera records

Paederus littoralis Gravenhorst, Quedius longicornis Kraatz (Staphylinidae) andLytta vesicatoria (Linnaeus) (Meloidae) to be deleted from the Irish list, and the validity of R.E. Dillon Coleoptera records

机译:Paederus littoralis Gravenhorst,Quedius longicornis Kraatz(Staphylinidae)和Lytta vesicatoria(Linnaeus)(Meloidae)将从爱尔兰名单中删除,以及R.E.的有效性。狄龙鞘翅目记录

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There is a single record of Paederus littoralis Gravenhorst (Staphylinidae) fromIreland, from "the bank of a stream at Mote Park", Co. Roscommon, June 1897(Halbert, 1898). Halbert did not mention who collected this species, but in hisintroduction stated that: "For many of the rarer species we have to thank the Hon.R.E. Dillon, who had been collecting in the neighbourhood for some days previousto our visit." Two specimens of this species (determined by JAG using externalcharacters in the key of Lohse (1964) and with English reference material) are heldin the National Museum of Ireland (NMI). Both specimens bear the labels: "Co.Roscommon. R.E. Dillon" (printed) and "Mt. Talbot" (hand-written apparently byHalbert, who was a Museum entomologist). One specimen has "Suck. Roscommon"written (also apparently in Halbert's hand) on the underside of the specimen card.The specimen labels and published record have, therefore, contradictory locations:Mount Talbot is on the River Suck, whereas Mote Park is on the Hind River. Bothspecimens have the same accession label (95.97), but to add to the confusion, theaccession book entry for 95.97 reads "Mote Park, Roscommon; collected by J.N.Halbert", and directly below this entry on the same day, is 96.97 which reads "givenby Hon. R.E. Dillon, Clonbrock" and "Clonbrock + Co. Roscommon".
机译:1897年6月,罗斯康蒙公司(Roalcommon,1898年6月,Halbert,1898年),有爱尔兰的Paederus littoralis Gravenhorst(Staphylinidae)的单张唱片。霍尔伯特没有提到谁收集了这个物种,但是在介绍中说:“对于许多稀有物种,我们要感谢在拜访前几天在附近收集的狄龙勋爵。”该物种的两个标本(由JAG使用Lohse键中的外部字符确定(1964年),并使用英语参考材料确定)保存在爱尔兰国家博物馆(NMI)中。这两个标本都贴有标签:“ Roscommon。R.E. Dillon公司”(印刷)和“ Mt. Talbot”(显然是博物馆昆虫学家霍尔伯特手写的)。一个标本在标本卡片的背面写着“ Suck。Roscommon”(显然也握在Halbert的手上)。因此,标本标签和已发布的记录存在矛盾的位置:塔尔伯特山在萨克河上,而莫特公园在后河。两种标本都具有相同的加入标签(95.97),但更令人困惑的是,95.97的加入书条目为“ Roscommon的Mote Park;由JNHalbert收集”,并且在同一条目的正下方是96.97,其读为“ RE Dillon,Clonbrock授予”和“ Clonbrock + Co. Roscommon”授予。



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