首页> 外文期刊>Chest: The Journal of Circulation, Respiration and Related Systems >Frequency of self-reported COPD exacerbation and airflow obstruction in five Latin American cities: the Proyecto Latinoamericano de Investigacion en Obstruccion Pulmonar (PLATINO) study.

Frequency of self-reported COPD exacerbation and airflow obstruction in five Latin American cities: the Proyecto Latinoamericano de Investigacion en Obstruccion Pulmonar (PLATINO) study.


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BACKGROUND: Recurrent exacerbations are common in COPD patients. Limited information exists regarding exacerbation frequency in COPD patients from epidemiologic studies. We examined the frequency of self-reported exacerbations and the factors influencing exacerbation frequency among COPD patients in a population-based study conducted in Latin America. METHODS: We used a post-bronchodilator FEV(1)/FVC ratio of < 0.70 to define COPD. Exacerbation was self-reported and defined by symptoms (deterioration of breathing symptoms that affected usual daily activities or caused missed work). RESULTS: Spirometry was performed in 5,314 subjects. There were 759 subjects with airflow limitation; of these, 18.2% reported ever having had an exacerbation, 7.9% reported having an exacerbation, and 6.2% reported having an exacerbation requiring at least a doctor visit within the past year. The proportion of individuals with an exacerbation significantly increased by Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) stages, from 4.2% in stage 1 to 28.9% in stages 3 and 4. The self-reported exacerbation rate was 0.58 exacerbations per year. The rate of exacerbations requiring at least a doctor visit and length of stay in hospital due to exacerbations also increased as COPD severity progressed. The factors associated with having an exacerbation in the past year were dyspnea, prior asthma diagnosis, receiving any respiratory therapy, and disease severity of GOLD stages 3 and 4. CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of individuals with airflow limitation and self-reported exacerbation increases as the disease severity progresses. Dyspnea, prior asthma diagnosis, receiving any respiratory therapy, and more severe obstruction were significantly associated with having an exacerbation in the past year.
机译:背景:复发性加重在COPD患者中很常见。流行病学研究中关于COPD患者加重频率的信息有限。在拉丁美洲进行的一项基于人群的研究中,我们检查了COPD患者自我报告加重的频率以及影响加重频率的因素。方法:我们使用<0.70的支气管扩张剂后FEV(1)/ FVC比值定义COPD。病情加重是自我报告的,并由症状定义(影响日常日常活动或导致工作缺失的呼吸道症状恶化)。结果:5314名受试者进行了肺活量测定。有759名气流受限的受试者;其中,有18.2%的人曾发作过病情恶化,有7.9%的人患有病情恶化,而6.2%的人有病情恶化需要至少一年的看病时间。全球慢性阻塞性肺疾病倡议(GOLD)阶段加重患者的比例显着增加,从第1阶段的4.2%增至第3和第4阶段的28.9%。自我报告的加重率为每年0.58例加重。随着COPD严重程度的提高,至少需要医生就诊的病情加重率和病情加重的住院时间也增加了。过去一年中加重病情的相关因素包括呼吸困难,哮喘早期诊断,接受任何呼吸治疗以及GOLD 3和4期的疾病严重程度。结论:气流受限和自我报告的病情加重的个体比例随着年龄的增长而增加。疾病严重程度进展。呼吸困难,先前的哮喘诊断,接受任何呼吸治疗以及更严重的阻塞与过去一年的病情加重明显相关。



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