首页> 外文期刊>The condor >Variables associated with detection probability, detection latency, and behavioral responses of Golden-winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera)

Variables associated with detection probability, detection latency, and behavioral responses of Golden-winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera)

机译:与金翅莺(Vermivora chrysoptera)的检测概率,检测潜伏期和行为响应相关的变量

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Detection probability during point counts and its associated variables are important considerations for bird population monitoring and have implications for conservation planning by influencing population estimates. During 2008-2009, we evaluated variables hypothesized to be associated with detection probability, detection latency, and behavioral responses of male Golden-winged Warblers in pastures in the Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia, USA. This is the first study of male Golden-winged Warbler detection probability, detection latency, or behavioral response based on point-count sampling with known territory locations and identities for all males. During 3-min passive point counts, detection probability decreased as distance to a male's territory and time since sunrise increased. During 3-min point counts with playback, detection probability decreased as distance to a male's territory increased, but remained constant as time since sunrise increased. Detection probability was greater when point counts included type 2 compared with type 1 song playback, particularly during the first 2 min of type 2 song playback. Golden-winged Warblers primarily use type 1 songs ( often zee bee bee bee with a higher-pitched first note) in intersexual contexts and type 2 songs ( strident, rapid stutter ending with a lower-pitched buzzy note) in intrasexual contexts. Distance to a male's territory, ordinal date, and song playback type were associated with the type of behavioral response to song playback. Overall, similar to 2 min of type 2 song playback may increase the efficacy of point counts for monitoring populations of Golden-winged Warblers by increasing the conspicuousness of males for visual identification and offsetting the consequences of surveying later in the morning. Because playback may interfere with the ability to detect distant males, it is important to follow playback with a period of passive listening. Our results indicate that even in relatively open pasture vegetation, detection probability of male Golden-winged Warblers is imperfect and highly variable.
机译:点计数期间的检测概率及其相关变量是监视鸟类数量的重要考虑因素,并通过影响种群估计值对保护规划产生影响。在2008-2009年期间,我们评估了与美国西弗吉尼亚州莫农加黑拉国家森林的草地上雄性金翅鸣莺的发现概率,发现潜伏期和行为反应有关的假设变量。这是首次对雄性金翅莺的检测概率,检测潜伏期或行为反应进行了研究,该研究基于已知男性所有地区位置和身份的点计数采样。在3分钟的被动点计数过程中,检测概率随着距男性领土的距离和日出以来的时间增加而降低。在播放的3分钟点数中,检测概率随着与男性领土距离的增加而降低,但是随着日出时间的增加而保持恒定。与类型1歌曲播放相比,当点数包括类型2时,检测概率更大,尤其是在类型2歌曲播放的前2分钟内。金翅莺在两性情境中主要使用1型歌曲(通常是带有较高音调的zee bee bee bee蜜蜂)和在两性情境中使用2型歌曲(刺耳,快速结结且音调较低的嗡嗡音)。距男性领地的距离,顺序日期和歌曲播放类型与对歌曲播放的行为响应类型相关。总体而言,类似于2分钟的2类歌曲播放,可以通过增加雄性对视觉识别的醒目性和抵消清晨调查的后果,来提高点数监视金翅莺的数量。由于播放可能会干扰检测远方男性的能力,因此在播放之后进行一段时间的被动聆听非常重要。我们的结果表明,即使在相对开放的草场植被中,雄性金翅莺的检测概率也不完美且变化很大。



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