首页> 外文期刊>The American Naturalist: Devoted to the Conceptual Unification of the Biological Sciences >Parental effort and reproductive skew in coalitions of brood rearing female common eiders

Parental effort and reproductive skew in coalitions of brood rearing female common eiders


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Members of breeding groups face conflicts over parental effort when balancing antipredatory vigilance and feeding. Empirical evidence has shown disparate responses to manipulations of parental effort. We develop a model in which we determine the evolutionarily stable effort of partners given their body conditions, allowing the benefits of shared care to be unevenly divided, and we test this model's predictions with data on common eiders (Somateria mollissima). Eiders show uniparental female care; females may share brood rearing, or they may tend alone, and their body condition at hatching of the young shows large environmentally induced variation. The model predicts that parental effort (vigilance) in a coalition is lower than when tending alone, controlling for parental condition; this prediction is supported by the data. The parental effort in a coalition should be positively correlated with body condition, and this prediction is also supported. Finally, parental effort should increase when partner condition decreases and vice versa; this prediction is partially supported. The Nash bargaining game may provide promising avenues by which to determine the precise settlement of reproductive skew and effort between coalition partners in the future.
机译:在平衡反掠夺性警惕和喂养时,育种小组成员在父母的努力方面面临冲突。经验证据表明,对父母努力的操纵有不同的反应。我们开发了一个模型,在该模型中,我们可以确定伙伴在给定自身身体条件下在进化上所做出的稳定努力,从而使共享医疗的收益得到不均等的划分,并使用有关常见绒毛(Somateria mollissima)的数据测试该模型的预测。羽绒服显示出单亲的女性关怀;雌性可能会共同繁育育雏,或者可能会单身,并且在孵化时的身体状况显示出很大的环境变化。该模型预测,同盟中的父母努力(警惕)要比独自抚养,控制父母状况时要低。该预测得到数据的支持。联盟中的父母努力应与身体状况成正相关,并且该预测也得到支持。最后,当伴侣的状况减少时,父母的努力应该增加,反之亦然;此预测得到部分支持。纳什讨价还价游戏可能会提供有希望的渠道,通过这些渠道来确定联盟伙伴之间未来的偏斜和努力的精确解决。



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