首页> 外文期刊>The American mineralogist >Timescales of exhumation and cooling inferred by kinetic modeling: An example using a lamellar garnet pyroxenite from the Variscan Granulitgebirge, Germany

Timescales of exhumation and cooling inferred by kinetic modeling: An example using a lamellar garnet pyroxenite from the Variscan Granulitgebirge, Germany


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We present a numerical modeling approach to infer timescales of the exhumation and cooling history recorded in the chemical composition of minerals in a garnet pyroxenite from the Granulitgebirge, Saxony/Germany. The studied sample contains remarkable exsolution textures from former megacrysts that produced up to millimeter-wide, alternating lamellae of garnet (Grt) and clinopyroxene (Cpx). Compositional profiles of major and minor elements measured with the electron microprobe perpendicular to the Grt-Cpx interfaces reveal systematic zoning patterns for Fe, Mg, Al, Si, Cr, Ti in clinopyroxene and Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn in garnet, respectively. In addition to simple thermal modeling that is used to constrain the conditions of emplacement of the Granulitgebirge Massif at shallow crustal levels, we combine thermodynamic data with a numerical finite difference scheme that simulates growth and simultaneous diffusive exchange between garnet and clinopyroxene along a virtual cooling path. The latter model assumes local equilibrium at the interface. Diffusive fluxes are constrained by mass balance. It is shown that zoning patterns such as Fe-Mg exchange between garnet and clinopyroxene can be used to extract cooling rates and thus timescales of exhumation, while the profiles for the minor elements are provisionally related to the growth history of the lamellae. Furthermore, zoning profiles in the lamellae can only be reproduced with ultrahigh cooling rates similar to contact metamorphic conditions. This in turn, suggests that the massif was emplaced at temperatures above 900 degrees C in agreement with the observed spatial extent of a contact aureole within low-grade metasedimentary rocks surrounding the granulite massif as predicted by thermal modeling. Exhumation of the massif without cooling below 900 degrees C requires an exhumation rate of several centimeters per year. Thus, we propose an almost isothermal exhumation period of 1 Ma followed by isobaric cooling from 900 to 600 degrees C within less than 10 ka.
机译:我们提供了一种数值建模方法,可以推断出来自德国萨克森州Granulitgebirge的石榴石辉石中矿物化学成分中记录的掘尸和冷却历史的时标。所研究的样品包含从以前的超大晶体产生的显着的析出织构,这些织构产生了高达毫米宽的石榴石(Grt)和斜柏(Cpx)交替薄片。用垂直于Grt-Cpx界面的电子探针测量的主要元素和次要元素的组成分布图分别揭示了斜py烯中的Fe,Mg,Al,Si,Cr,Ti和石榴石中的Ca,Fe,Mg,Mn的系统分区模式。除了简单的热模型用来限制Granulitgebirge地块在浅地壳位置的条件外,我们还将热力学数据与数值有限差分方案相结合,该方案模拟了石榴石和斜柏在虚拟冷却路径上的生长以及同时的扩散交换。 。后一种模型假定界面处存在局部平衡。扩散通量受到质量平衡的限制。结果表明,诸如石榴石和斜茂铁之间的Fe-Mg交换之类的分区模式可用于提取冷却速率,从而提取出掘出的时间尺度,而次要元素的分布图暂时与薄片的生长历史有关。此外,仅在类似于接触变质条件的超高冷却速率下才能复制层状区域。这反过来表明,地块放置在900摄氏度以上的温度下,这与通过热模型预测的,在围绕花岗石地块的低品位准沉积岩中观察到的接触金黄色的空间范围一致。在不冷却至900摄氏度以下的情况下,挖掘尸体需要每年数厘米的挖掘速率。因此,我们提出了一个大约1 Ma的等温采掘期,然后在不到10 ka的时间内从900到600摄氏度等压冷却。



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