首页> 外文期刊>The American Midland Naturalist >Rodent-Prey Content in Long-Term Samples of Barn Owl (Tyto alba) Pellets from the Northwestern United States Reflects Local Agricultural Change

Rodent-Prey Content in Long-Term Samples of Barn Owl (Tyto alba) Pellets from the Northwestern United States Reflects Local Agricultural Change


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Rodent prey contained in two temporally distinct collections of Barn Owl (Tyto alba) pellets from the same roost in southeastern Washington state (USA) differ in terms of taxonomic abundances. Deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) dominate the fauna in the pellet sample deposited while much of the landscape was productive wheat field, and voles (Microtus spp.) are a distant second. The fauna in the pellet sample deposited after 20% of the surrounding landscape was placed in soil bank and converted to a grass non-producing field is dominated by voles with deer mice a close second. The coincident changes in local vegetation and in the rodent fauna are causally as well as temporally interrelated. Previous local studies have focused on the agricultural economics of coincident shifts in agricultural practices and rodent faunas. Results presented here indicate potential benefits to owl faunas of changes in agricultural practices and suggest that study of curated owl pellet faunas collected decades ago may reveal much about the long-term history of anthropogenic influences on rodent faunas.
机译:来自美国华盛顿州东南部(美国)同一栖息地的两个仓鼠(Tyto alba)颗粒在时间上截然不同的集合中所包含的啮齿动物在分类学丰度方面有所不同。鹿鼠(Peromyscus maniculatus)在沉积的颗粒样品中占主导地位,而大部分景观是麦田,而田鼠(Microtus spp。)仅次于第二。在将周围环境的20%放置在土壤库中并转化为非草场之后,沉淀的颗粒样品中的动物群被田鼠和鹿鼠占据了第二位。当地植被和啮齿动物区系的同时变化既有因果关系,也有时间上的联系。先前的本地研究集中在农业实践和啮齿动物区系同步变化的农业经济学上。此处提供的结果表明,农业实践的变化可能对猫头鹰动物区系产生潜在的好处,并且表明数十年前收集的精选猫头鹰颗粒动物区系的研究可能揭示许多人为因素对啮齿动物区系的长期影响。



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