首页> 外文期刊>The American surgeon. >Aggressive operative treatment for emetogenic rupture yields superior results.

Aggressive operative treatment for emetogenic rupture yields superior results.


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The treatment of emetogenic rupture remained controversial and was particularly so when the patient arrived for definitive care greater than 24 hours postrupture. We treated patients with continued extravasation of contrast from the esophagus by early operation regardless of the timing of their presentation. All primary repairs received a reinforced closure and many delayed repairs had an onlay flap for closure of the leak. We treated 31 patients with emetogenic rupture; 24 of 25 patients with extravasation had operative repair, whereas six with small, contained ruptures were treated medically. Twelve were operated on within 24 hours, whereas 24 presented from 36 to 796 hours postrupture. We were able to achieve closure of the defect by primary suture repair or with a tissue flap in all patients. There were no postoperative leaks. One patient each died in the operated group and observed group. There were minimal complications and a relatively short hospital stay. Our results support the use of aggressive operative treatment for emetogenic rupture regardless of the timing of patient presentation. Such treatment preserved esophageal function and was accomplished with relatively low morbidity and mortality.
机译:呕吐破裂的治疗仍存在争议,尤其是当患者到达破裂后超过24小时接受最终治疗时。我们通过早期手术治疗了食管造影剂持续外渗的患者,无论其出现的时机如​​何。所有的初次维修都采用了加固的密封,许多延误的维修都采用了一个盖片来封闭泄漏。我们治疗了31例发生子宫破裂的患者; 25例外渗性患者中有24例进行了手术修复,而6例较小的破裂性破裂患者接受了医学治疗。在24小时内进行了十二次手术,而在破裂后36至796小时出现了24次。通过所有患者的初次缝合修复或组织瓣修复,我们能够实现闭合缺损。术后无渗漏。手术组和观察组各死亡1例。并发症很少,住院时间相对较短。我们的研究结果支持采用积极的手术治疗来治疗生发性破裂,无论患者何时就诊。这种治疗保留了食道功能,并且发病率和死亡率相对较低。



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