首页> 外文期刊>The anatomical record: advances in integrative anatomy and evolutionary biology >Eye, Nose, Hair, and Throat: External Anatomy of the Head of a Neonate Gray Whale (Cetacea, Mysticeti, Eschrichtiidae)

Eye, Nose, Hair, and Throat: External Anatomy of the Head of a Neonate Gray Whale (Cetacea, Mysticeti, Eschrichtiidae)


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Information is scarce on gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) anatomy and that of mysticetes in general. Dissection of the head of a neonatal gray whale revealed novel anatomical details of the eye, blowhole, incisive papilla with associated nasopalatine ducts, sensory hairs, and throat grooves. Compared to a similar sized right whale calf, the gray whale eyeball is nearly twice as long. The nasal cartilages of the gray whale, located between the blowholes, differ from the bowhead in having accessory cartilages. A small, fleshy incisive papilla bordered by two blind nasopalatine pits near the palate's rostral tip, previously undescribed in gray whales, may be associated with the vomeronasal organ, although histological evidence is needed for definitive identification. Less well known among mysticetes are the numerous elongated, stiff sensory hairs (vibrissae) observed on the gray whale rostrum from the ventral tip to the blowhole and on the mandible. These hairs are concentrated on the chin, and those on the lower jaw are arranged in a V-shaped pattern. We confirm the presence of two primary, anteriorly converging throat grooves, confined to the throat region similar to those of ziphiid and physeteroid odontocetes. A third, shorter groove occurs lateral to the left primary groove. The throat grooves in the gray whale have been implicated in gular expansion during suction feeding. Anat Rec, 298: 648-659, 2015. (C) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:灰鲸(Eschrichtiusrobustus)的解剖结构以及神秘动物的信息都很少。新生儿灰鲸头的解剖揭示了眼睛,气孔,尖锐的乳头以及相关的鼻op管,感觉毛发和喉咙沟的新颖解剖学细节。与类似尺寸的右鲸小牛相比,灰鲸眼球的长度几乎是其两倍。灰鲸的鼻软骨位于气孔之间,与弓头的区别在于其具有附属软骨。尽管以前尚无组织学证据,但可能与犁鼻鼻窦器官相关联,这是一个肉质的小尖锐乳头,靠近上颚的鼻尖附近有两个盲目的鼻op凹坑,以前在灰鲸中未曾描述过。在神秘主义者中鲜为人知的是,在灰鲸鱼的腹鳍上,从腹尖到气孔以及在下颌骨上观察到的许多细长的,坚硬的感觉毛(触须)。这些头发集中在下巴上,而下颚的头发则排列成V形。我们证实存在两个主要的,前向会聚的喉沟,局限于与ziphiid和类拟齿类牙本质者相似的喉部区域。第三个较短的凹槽出现在左侧主凹槽的侧面。灰鲸的喉咙沟在吸食期间牵涉到颗粒膨胀。 Anat Rec,298:648-659,2015.(C)2015 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.



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