首页> 外文期刊>The anatomical record, Part A. Discoveries in molecular, cellular, and evolutionary biology >Number of pericryptal fibroblasts correlates with density of distinct mast cell phenotypes in the crypt lamina propria of human duodenum: Implications for the homeostasis of villous architecture

Number of pericryptal fibroblasts correlates with density of distinct mast cell phenotypes in the crypt lamina propria of human duodenum: Implications for the homeostasis of villous architecture


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Pericryptal fibroblasts (PFs), a class of myofibroblasts, have strongly been implicated in the regulation of villous structure because of their location close to crypts and their ability to secrete cytokines affecting intestinal epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation. Recently, mast cells (MCs) have also been involved in the homeostasis of villous architecture. As myofibroblasts arise in a wide variety of settings concurrently with a local increase in the number of tissue MCs, we calculated in this study the density of both PF and distinct pericryptal MC phenotypes in the mucosa of human duodenum showing normal, defective, or atrophic villous profiles. In addition, we evaluated the statistical association between PF-MC densities and each pattern of villous architecture. Finally, we correlated the density of PF with the density of pericryptal MC phenotypes. For this purpose, samples taken by endoscopy from 30 patients complaining of inflammatory bowel disorders were studied by immunohistochemistry. The densities of alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive PFs as well as tryptase-, chymase-, and c-kit-positive MCs were determined in the crypt lamina propria. Villous architecture was found to be significantly associated with the number of PFs and tryptase-, chymase-, c-kit-positive MCs in the lamina propria (ANOVA group effect P < 0.001). High density of both PFs and MCs was found in intestinal samples with normal villous morphology while lower densities were associated with defective or atrophic villous profiles (Tukey's test for multiple comparison P < 0.001). In addition, a significant correlation was found between PF density and the density of each pericryptal MC phenotype (vs. tryptase-positive MCs, r = 0.913; vs. chymase-positive MC, r = 0.905; vs. c-kit-positive MC, r = 0.927; P < 0.001 in all cases). This study provides morphological support for an important cooperation between PFs and MCs in maintaining normal villous architecture.
机译:围皮成纤维细胞(PFs)是一类成肌纤维细胞,由于其位置靠近隐窝,并且分泌分泌影响肠道上皮细胞增殖和分化的细胞因子的能力,已强烈参与绒毛结构的调节。最近,肥大细胞(MC)也参与了绒毛结构的体内平衡。由于成肌纤维细胞在各种各样的环境中出现,同时组织MC数量局部增加,因此我们在这项研究中计算了人十二指肠粘膜中PF和明显的隐性MC表型的密度,显示正常,有缺陷或萎缩性绒毛个人资料。此外,我们评估了PF-MC密度与每种绒毛结构模式之间的统计关联。最后,我们将PF的密度与隐膜MC表型的密度相关联。为此,通过免疫组织化学研究了通过内窥镜检查从30位抱怨炎症性肠病的患者中采集的样品。确定了隐窝固有层中α平滑肌肌动蛋白阳性PF以及类胰蛋白酶,糜蛋白酶和c-kit阳性MC的密度。发现毛孔结构与固有层中PF的数量和类胰蛋白酶,胰酶,糜蛋白酶,c-kit阳性的MC显着相关(ANOVA组效应P <0.001)。在正常绒毛形态的肠样本中发现了高密度的PFs和MCs,而较低的密度则与有缺陷的或萎缩的绒毛外形相关(Tukey检验,多重比较P <0.001)。此外,在PF密度和每个隐膜MC表型的密度之间发现显着相关性(vs.胰蛋白酶阳性MCs,r = 0.913; vs。糜酶阳性MC,r = 0.905; vs c-kit阳性MC) ,r = 0.927;在所有情况下P <0.001)。该研究为PF和MC在维持正常绒毛结构方面的重要合作提供了形态学支持。



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