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Postnatal growth of the ventral prostate in Wistar rats: A stereological and morphometrical study


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Morphological and stereological analyses were used to characterize the growth kinetics of the Wistar rat ventral prostate (VP). Volume density and absolute volume of the epithelium, lumen, smooth muscle cells (SMCs), and nonmuscular stroma were determined by stereology and paired with plasma testosterone levels and different morphometric measurements. The VP shows an initial growth within the first 3 weeks, a resting phase, and the puberal growth. The puberal growth was coincident with the raise in plasma testosterone. Lumen formation occurred within the 3 postnatal weeks. After an expected increase during puberty, the lumen showed a further increase at the 12th week. The volume density of the nonmuscular stroma and of the SMCs decreased slowly postnatally. Absolute volume of the luminal compartment showed three phases of growth (weeks 1-3, 6-9, and 11-12). On the other hand, the increase in the absolute volume of the epithelium was steady up to the 8th week and then showed a marked increase up the 10th week. The increase in epithelial volume was characterized morphologically by the presence of epithelial infoldings and sprouts. The growth of the epithelium showed a 2-week delay as compared to the lumen and occurred only until the 10th week. The epithelial height was variable but could be related to the synthetic activity of the epithelium. In conclusion, the postnatal growth of the VP results from a combination of epithelial proliferation/differentiation and synthesis/accumulation of the secretory products in the lumen.
机译:形态和立体分析用于表征Wistar大鼠腹侧前列腺(VP)的生长动力学。上皮,管腔,平滑肌细胞(SMC)和非肌肉基质的体积密度和绝对体积通过立体学确定,并与血浆睾丸激素水平和不同形态测量值配对。 VP显示在最初的3周内有一个初始生长,一个静止期和青春期生长。青春期生长与血浆睾丸激素升高同时发生。在出生后3周内发生管腔形成。在青春期出现预期的增加后,管腔在第12周显示出进一步的增加。非肌肉基质和SMC的体积密度在出生后缓慢下降。腔室的绝对体积显示出三个生长阶段(1-3周,6-9周和11-12周)。另一方面,上皮的绝对体积的增加一直稳定到第8周,然后在第10周显示出明显的增加。上皮体积的增加在形态上以上皮折叠和芽的存在为特征。与管腔相比,上皮细胞的生长显示出延迟了2周,并且仅持续到第10周。上皮高度是可变的,但可能与上皮的合成活性有关。总之,VP的产后生长是由上皮细胞的增生/分化和管腔内分泌产物的合成/积累共同导致的。



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