
Whisker maps in marsupials: Nerve lesions and critical periods


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In the wallaby, whisker-related patterns develop over a protracted period of postnatal maturation in the pouch. Afferents arrive simultaneously in the thalamus and cortex from postnatal day (P) 15. Whisker-related patterns are first seen in the thalamus at P50 and are well formed by P73, before cortical patterns first appear (P75) or are well developed (P85). This study used the slow developmental sequence and accessibility of the pouch young to investigate the effect of nerve lesions before afferent arrival, or at times when thalamic patterns are obvious but cortical patterns not yet formed. The left infraorbital nerve supplying the whiskers was cut at P0-93 and animals were perfused at P112-123. Sections through the thalamus (horizontal plane) and cortex (tangential) were reacted for cytochrome oxidase to visualize whisker-related patterns. Lesions of the nerve at P2-5, before innervation of the thalamus or cortex, resulted in an absence of patterns at both levels. Lesions from P66-77 also disrupted thalamic and cortical patterns, despite the fact that thalamic patterns are normally well established by P73. Lesions from P82-93 resulted in normal thalamic and cortical patterns. Thus, despite the wallaby having clearly separated times for the development of patterns at different levels of the pathway, these results suggest a single critical period for the thalamus and cortex, coincident with the maturation of the cortical pattern. Possible mechanisms underpinning this critical period could include dependence of the thalamic pattern on corticothalamic activity or peripheral signals to allow consolidation of thalamic barreloids. (c) 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
机译:在小袋鼠中,在袋中出生后很长一段时间内,须须相关的图案会逐渐形成。出生后(P)15,传入者同时到达丘脑和皮层。晶须相关模式首先出现在丘脑中的P50,并由P73很好地形成,然后皮质模式首次出现(P75)或发育良好(P85)。 。这项研究使用发育缓慢的序列和幼小袋的可及性来研究传入传入前或丘脑形态明显但皮质形态尚未形成时神经损伤的影响。在P0-93处切除供应晶须的左眶下神经,并在P112-123处灌注动物。穿过丘脑(水平平面)和皮质(切线)的切片反应产生细胞色素氧化酶,以可视化晶须相关图案。在丘脑或皮层神经支配之前,P2-5处的神经病变导致两个水平均无模式。尽管通常P73可以很好地建立丘脑模式,但P66-77病变也破坏了丘脑和皮质模式。 P82-93的病变导致正常的丘脑和皮质模式。因此,尽管小袋鼠在该途径的不同水平上具有明显分开的模式形成时间,但这些结果表明丘脑和皮层有一个关键时期,与皮质模式的成熟相吻合。支撑这一关键时期的可能机制可能包括丘脑模式依赖于皮质丘脑活动或周围信号以允许丘脑桶状体的巩固。 (c)2006年Wiley-Liss,Inc.



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