首页> 外文期刊>The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics >Maximizing profits and conserving stocks in the Australian Northern Prawn Fishery. (Special Issue: Fisheries economics.)

Maximizing profits and conserving stocks in the Australian Northern Prawn Fishery. (Special Issue: Fisheries economics.)

机译:在澳大利亚北部对虾渔业中最大限度地提高利润并保护种群。 (特刊:渔业经济学。)

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The Australian Northern Prawn Fishery (NPF) is one of the few that has adopted a dynamic version of a 'maximum economic yield' (MEY) target, and, on this basis, the fishery is undergoing a process of substantial stock rebuilding. This study details the bioeconomic model used to provide scientific management advice for the NPF, in terms of the amount of allowable total gear length in the fishery, for both the MEY target and the path to MEY. It combines the stock assessment process for two species of tiger prawns with a specification for discounted economic profits, where the harvest function in the profit equation is stock-dependent. Results for the NPF show a substantial 'stock effect', indicating the importance of conserving fish stocks for profitability. MEY thus occurs at a stock size that is larger than that at maximum sustainable yield, leading to a 'win-win' situation for both the industry (added profitability) and the environment (larger fish stocks and lower impact on the ecosystem). Sensitivity results emphasize this effect by showing that the MEY target is much more sensitive to changes in the price of prawns and the cost of fuel, and far less so to the rate of discount.
机译:澳大利亚北方对虾渔业(NPF)是采用了“最大经济产量”(MEY)目标动态版的少数几个,在此基础上,渔业正在经历大量的种群重建过程。这项研究详细说明了用于为NPF提供科学管理建议的生物经济模型,涉及渔业目标的目标和实现渔业目标的途径的渔业中允许的总渔具长度。它结合了两种老虎虾的库存评估过程和折现的经济利润规范,其中利润方程式中的收获函数取决于存货。 NPF的结果显示出实质性的“种群效应”,表明保存鱼类种群对获利的重要性。因此,MEY的种群规模大于最大可持续产量的种群规模,导致该行业(增加的获利能力)和环境的“双赢”局面(更大的鱼类种群和对生态系统的影响)。敏感性结果通过表明MEY目标对虾价格和燃料成本的变化更为敏感,而对贴现率的影响则更小,从而强调了这种影响。



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