首页> 外文期刊>The Australasian journal of dermatology >Five-year experience with infliximab: Follow up of the product familiarisation program

Five-year experience with infliximab: Follow up of the product familiarisation program


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This 5-year retrospective analysis is of 22 patients who participated in the product familiarisation program (PFP) at St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne, prior to the listing of infliximab on the Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme. Criteria for inclusion were being an adult with chronic plaque psoriasis, having a psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) score of at least 15 with an inadequate response or intolerance to three of the following: phototherapy, acitretin, cyclosporin and methotrexate. Participants were infused with infliximab 5 mg/kg on the standard induction (weeks 0, 2 and 6) and maintenance (8-weekly) protocols. At each visit PASI and dermatology life quality index (DLQI) scores were recorded. Success was determined as the proportion of patients achieving at least a 75% improvement in the PASI score from baseline (PASI 75). At 60 months after commencement of therapy, 31% of patients remained on infliximab. Those who did retained PASI 75 with a DLQI of 0 or 1. Of those who ceased infliximab, nine did so due to loss of efficacy, three for personal reasons, two for serious adverse events and one was lost to follow up. Adverse events included non-melanoma skin cancers, infections and abnormal liver enzymes. Infliximab in the Australian context has proven to be a highly effective treatment of chronic plaque psoriasis, and patients who remained on the drug derived a high level of satisfaction, assessed both subjectively (DLQI) and objectively (PASI 75). The variable response indicates that psoriasis is a heterogeneous disease and investigation into potential patient selection for treatment in the future is warranted.
机译:这项为期5年的回顾性分析是在英夫利昔单抗列入药物福利计划之前,在墨尔本圣文森特医院参加了产品熟悉计划(PFP)的22名患者。纳入标准为患有慢性斑块状牛皮癣的成年人,其牛皮癣面积和严重程度指数(PASI)得分至少为15,且对以下三种疗法的反应或耐受性不足或不耐受:光疗,阿维A,环孢菌素和甲氨蝶呤。在标准诱导(第0、2和6周)和维持(8周)方案中,向参与者注射5 mg / kg英夫利昔单抗。每次访视时记录PASI和皮肤病学生活质量指数(DLQI)得分。成功的确定是患者的PASI得分比基线水平提高至少75%(PASI 75)的患者比例。在开始治疗后的60个月,仍有31%的患者继续使用英夫利昔单抗。保留PASI 75且DLQI为0或1的患者中。因英夫利昔单抗停药的患者中有9人因药效下降而停药,其中3人为个人原因,2人为严重不良事件,其中1人失去随访。不良事件包括非黑色素瘤皮肤癌,感染和肝酶异常。在澳大利亚,英夫利昔单抗已被证明是一种有效的治疗慢性斑块状牛皮癣的方法,并且在主观(DLQI)和客观(PASI 75)方面进行评估,坚持使用该药物的患者均获得很高的满意度。可变的反应表明牛皮癣是一种异质性疾病,因此有必要对将来可能进行治疗的患者选择进行调查。



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