首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Zoology >Stochastic and spatially explicit population viability analyses for an endangered freshwater turtle, Clemmys guttata

Stochastic and spatially explicit population viability analyses for an endangered freshwater turtle, Clemmys guttata

机译:濒危淡水龟Clemmys guttata的随机和空间明确种群生存力分析

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Over two thirds of the world's turtle species are in decline as a result of habitat destruction and harvesting. Quantitative methods for predicting the risk of extinction of turtle populations are essential for status assessments and recovery planning. Spotted turtles (Clemmys guttata (Schneider, 1792)) are considered vulnerable internationally, and endangered in Canada. We used population viability analysis to assess the risk of extirpation of a Georgian Bay, Ontario, population that has been under study since 1977 and of nine Ontario populations for which population size is known, and to examine the effects of dispersal between breeding ponds on population persistence. A simple stochastic model for the Georgian Bay population projected a 60% probability of extirpation in 100 years. A metapopulation model for the same study area projected an 18% probability of extirpation within 100 years, suggesting that dispersal between breeding ponds is important for population persistence. Spotted turtles at this relatively pristine site have a relatively high risk of extinction despite the absence of anthropogenic additive mortality. Probability of quasi-extinction as a result of stochasticity for the model simulating nine Ontario populations was low, but the probability of six or more of the nine known Ontario populations becoming extirpated within 100 years was 26%, indicating that recovery action is necessary to prevent decline of spotted turtles within the species' Canadian range, which is restricted to Ontario.
机译:由于栖息地遭到破坏和捕捞,全世界三分之二以上的海龟物种正在减少。预测海龟种群灭绝风险的定量方法对于状态评估和恢复计划至关重要。斑龟(Clemmys guttata(Schneider,1792))在国际上被认为是脆弱的,并且在加拿大受到威胁。我们使用种群生存力分析来评估自1977年以来一直在研究的安大略省乔治亚湾的种群和已知种群数量的九个安大略种群的灭绝风险,并研究繁殖池之间的分散对种群的影响坚持不懈。一个简单的佐治亚湾人口随机模型预测100年内灭绝的可能性为60%。同一研究区域的一个种群模型预测在100年内灭绝的可能性为18%,这表明繁殖池之间的分散对于种群持久性很重要。尽管没有人为增加的死亡率,但在这个相对原始的地点发现斑点的乌龟具有相对较高的灭绝风险。模拟9个安大略种群的模型的随机性导致的半灭绝概率很低,但是9个已知安大略种群中有6个或更多在100年内被灭绝的概率为26%,这表明有必要采取恢复行动来预防斑点海龟在该物种加拿大范围内的下降,仅限于安大略省。



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