
Cave canem: bite mark analysis in a fatal dog pack attack.


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Deaths resulting from animal attacks are rare, and according to The Humane Society of the United States, more than 300 individuals died of dog attacks in the United States from 1979 to 1996. The case of a fatal dog-pack attack on an 83-year-old woman is presented. Wide lacerations of the scalp, several tooth puncture wounds, and bruises reproducing bite marks were recorded on the whole body. Exsanguinations due to brachial artery laceration subsequent to multiple dog bites were indicated as the main cause of death. An integrated study in association with a veterinary doctor was performed on 27 dogs of different breed (24 Cane Corso, 1 Dalmatian, 2 German Shepherds) collecting dental formula and dental casts. Dental casts were superimposed on the victim's wound samples collected at autopsy and analyzed for compatibility-the patterns taken from the jaws of 3 suspected dogs could be clearly adapted on the bite marks. At the end of investigation, the son of the victim indicated the 3 dogs of his own as the responsible ones and he was condemned for manslaughter. Bite marks analysis provided conclusive evidences in identifying the offending animals. The results may be important to give details about bite circumstances and predisposition of specific breeds of dogs to bite or inflict severe bites.
机译:动物袭击造成的死亡很少见,根据美国人道协会的统计,从1979年到1996年,美国有300多人死于狗袭击。这是83年致命的狗群袭击事件提出了一个老女人。记录了整个头皮的广泛裂伤,数个牙齿刺伤和重现叮咬痕迹的瘀伤。主要表现为多头狗咬伤后肱动脉撕裂引起的放血是主要的死亡原因。与兽医医生进行了一项综合研究,对27只不同品种的狗(24条Cane Corso,1条达尔马提亚狗,2条德国牧羊犬)进行了收集,并收集了牙粉和牙模。将牙模叠加在尸体解剖时收集的受害者伤口样本上,并分析其相容性-从3只可疑狗的下巴上采集的图案可以清楚地适应咬痕。在调查结束时,受害人的儿子指出了自己的三只狗为负责犬,他被判犯有过失杀人罪。咬痕分析为确定违规动物提供了确凿的证据。该结果对于提供有关咬人情况和特定犬种咬人或造成严重咬人的倾向的细节可能很重要。



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