首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene >Pathologic studies on suspect animal and human cases of Rift Valley fever from an outbreak in Eastern Africa, 2006-2007.

Pathologic studies on suspect animal and human cases of Rift Valley fever from an outbreak in Eastern Africa, 2006-2007.


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Rift Valley fever (RVF) is an important viral zoonotic disease in Africa with periodic outbreaks associated with severe disease, death, and economic hardship. During the 2006-2007 outbreaks in Eastern Africa, postmortem and necropsy tissue samples from 14 animals and 20 humans clinically suspected of RVF were studied with histopathologic evaluation and immunohistochemical (IHC) assays. Six animal and 11 human samples had IHC evidence of Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) antigens. We found that extensive hepatocellular necrosis without prominent inflammatory cell infiltrates is the most distinctive histopathologic change in liver tissues infected with RVFV. Pathologic studies on postmortem tissue samples can help establish the diagnosis of RVF, differentiating from endemic diseases with clinical manifestations similar to RVF, such as malaria, leptospirosis, or yellow fever.
机译:裂谷热(RVF)是非洲的一种重要的病毒性人畜共患病,其周期性暴发与严重的疾病,死亡和经济困难有关。在2006年至2007年东部非洲的暴发期间,通过组织病理学评估和免疫组化(IHC)分析研究了14只动物和20位临床怀疑为RVF的人类的尸检和尸检组织样本。 6个动物和11个人类样品具有裂谷热病毒(RVFV)抗原的IHC证据。我们发现,没有明显的炎症细胞浸润的广泛肝细胞坏死是感染RVFV的肝组织中最独特的组织病理学变化。死后组织样本的病理学研究可帮助建立RVF的诊断,区别于具有类似于RVF的临床表现的地方病,例如疟疾,钩端螺旋体病或黄热病。



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