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Stress and relapse to drug seeking: studies in laboratory animals shed light on mechanisms and sources of long-term vulnerability.


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Relapse is a major characteristic of drug addiction disorders and remains the primary problem for treatment. Recently, there has been hope that these disorders may be amenable to pharmacological treatments that have successfully treated other psychopathological disorders. Pharmacological approaches to drug abuse have tended to be guided by the primary drug used by the individual, though substitution has been the guiding principle in some instances, as in the case of methadone maintenance in opioid addiction. Alternatively, blockade or antagonism of the effects of the primary drug being abused has been tried, as in the case of using naltrexone to treat opioid or alcohol addiction. Though reportedly successful in some populations, it is not clear that these approaches effectively control craving for 'highs' or euphoric experiences or a return to drug use as a response to stressful life experiences. Recent experimental studies of the factors that induce craving and relapse to drug use in both humans and laboratory animals, such as drug-related cues, re-exposure to the drug itself, or exposure to stressful events, have shown that the effects of these different events are mediated by dissociable neurochemical circuitry. Another finding that emerges from these studies is that the motivation underlying drug seeking induced by events that precipitate relapse is intensified by the duration and amount of pre-exposure to a drug and the passage of time since withdrawal of the drug. One implication of such findings for the treatment of addiction is that whatever approach is taken, treatment will have to be multifaceted and maintained over an extended period of time after the initial termination of drug use. (Am J Addict 2003;12:1-17)
机译:复发是药物成瘾障碍的主要特征,并且仍然是治疗的主要问题。最近,人们希望这些疾病可能适合于成功治疗了其他精神病理疾病的药物治疗。药物滥用的药理方法往往以个人使用的主要药物为指导,尽管在某些情况下替代已成为指导原则,例如在阿片类药物成瘾中维持美沙酮的情况。或者,已经尝试了对被滥用的主要药物的作用进行阻断或拮抗作用,例如使用纳曲酮治疗阿片样物质或酒精成瘾的情况。虽然据报道在某些人群中是成功的,但尚不清楚这些方法是否能有效控制对“上流”或欣快经历的渴望,或作为对压力性生活经历的反应而回归吸毒。最近对诱发人类和实验动物对药物使用的渴望和复发的因素的实验研究,例如与药物有关的暗示,对药物本身的重新暴露或承受压力事件,表明这些不同的作用事件由可分离的神经化学回路介导。从这些研究中得出的另一个发现是,由于药物预暴露的持续时间和数量以及自停药以来的时间流逝,加剧了由沉淀复发事件引起的寻求药物的动机。这些发现对成瘾治疗的影响之一是,无论采用哪种方法,在最初终止吸毒后,治疗都必须是多方面的,并且必须在延长的时间内维持。 (Am J Addict 2003; 12:1-17)



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