首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene >An outbreak of West Nile virus in a New York City captive wildlife population.

An outbreak of West Nile virus in a New York City captive wildlife population.


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An outbreak of West Nile virus (WNV) in and around New York City during the late summer of 1999 was the cause of extensive mortality among free-ranging birds. Within the Bronx Zoo/Wildlife Conservation Park, viral activity was also observed and produced some morbidity and mortality among specimens in the zoo's bird collection and probably caused morbidity in at least one specimen from the zoo's mammal collection. To determine the extent of the outbreak and attempt to ascertain the temporal appearance of virus within the park, a serologic survey of birds and mammals was performed. The survey showed that 34% of tested birds (125 of 368; 124 species) were positive for antibody to WNV. The virus caused a disease to infection ratio of 22% (27 of 125) among birds with a 70% (19 of 27) case fatality rate. In contrast, only 8% of the mammals (9 of 117; 35 species) possessed antibody to WNV and there was no virus-associated mortality. Testing of banked and fresh sera obtained from both birds and mammals revealed that there was no evidence of WNV circulation before the 1999 outbreak and that birds introduced into the park were not the source of the New York outbreak. West Nile virus RNA was detected in tissues from one bird that died in February 2000, long after the end of the mosquito transmission season. The potential importance of zoologic parks as possible sentinels for emerging diseases is discussed.
机译:1999年夏末纽约市内及附近爆发的西尼罗河病毒(WNV)是造成散养鸟类大量死亡的原因。在布朗克斯动物园/野生动物保护公园内,还观察到了病毒活动,并在动物园鸟类采集的标本中产生了一定的发病率和死亡率,并可能导致了动物园哺乳动物采集的至少一个标本的发病。为了确定爆发的程度并尝试确定公园内病毒的时间外观,对鸟类和哺乳动物进行了血清学调查。调查显示,有34%的受测鸟类(368例中有125例; 124种)的WNV抗体呈阳性。该病毒在禽类中引起的疾病/感染比率为22%(125个中的27个),病死率为70%(27个中的19个)。相反,只有8%的哺乳动物(117个中的9个; 35种)具有针对WNV的抗体,并且没有与病毒相关的死亡率。对从鸟类和哺乳动物身上获得的岸存和新鲜血清进行的测试表明,在1999年爆发之前,没有WNV循环的证据,而引入公园的鸟类并不是纽约爆发的源头。在蚊子传播季节结束很长时间之后,在2000年2月死亡的一只鸟的组织中检测到西尼罗河病毒RNA。讨论了动物园作为新兴疾病可能的前哨的潜在重要性。



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