首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene >Stopping Murder by Medicine: Introducing the Model Law on Medicine Crime

Stopping Murder by Medicine: Introducing the Model Law on Medicine Crime


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The iatrogenic pandemic of untreated illness related to falsified and substandard medicines is intolerable, but has a logical explanation: in many countries, inadequate laws make it barely illegal to manufacture or distribute poor-quality medicines. The law hardly punishes those who intentionally or recklessly deal in falsified or substandard medicine, when clearly it should criminalize these perpetrators in proportion to the grievous even fatal injury they inflict on public health. To solve this omission, this article presents a new Model Law on Medicine Crime, which countries may freely use as a template for strengthening their national laws. The Model Law includes criminal prohibitions against manufacturing, trafficking, or selling poor-quality medicines; principles for appropriately punishing offenders; special provisions for Internet-based medicine crimes; tools for encouraging whistle-blowers to cooperate with law enforcement; incentives for developing governments to strengthen their drug regulatory capacity; and important exceptions to prevent the law being abused, such as to prevent the prosecution of legitimate medical researchers or to prevent good-quality generic medicines being seized while in transit. The Model Law is discussed and explained and is offered free of charge under a Creative Commons license to any governments wanting to implement it.
机译:与伪造药品和不合格药品有关的未经治疗的疾病引起的医源性大流行是无法忍受的,但是有一个合理的解释:在许多国家,法律不充分使得制造或分销劣质药品几乎是非法的。法律几乎没有惩罚那些故意或re顾后果地处理伪造或不合格药品的人,显然,法律应根据对他们造成的严重伤害甚至致命伤害,将这些肇事者定为犯罪。为了解决这一遗漏,本文提出了新的《医学犯罪示范法》,各国可以自由地将其用作加强本国法律的模板。 《示范法》包括禁止制造,贩运或出售劣质药品的刑事禁令;适当惩罚罪犯的原则;基于互联网的医学犯罪的特殊规定;鼓励举报者配合执法的工具;鼓励发展中政府加强其药品监管能力的措施;以及防止滥用法律的重要例外,例如,防止对合法医学研究人员的起诉或防止在运输过程中扣押优质仿制药。对《示范法》进行了讨论和解释,并根据知识共享许可将其免费提供给任何希望实施的政府。



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