首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Surgery >Collagen in the transversalis fascia of patients with indirect inguinal hernia: a case-control study.

Collagen in the transversalis fascia of patients with indirect inguinal hernia: a case-control study.


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BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to analyze the constituents of total and types I and III collagen fibers in the transversalis fascias of patients with indirect inguinal hernias, compared with samples removed from nonherniated cadavers. METHODS: Biopsy samples from 26 patients and 26 cadavers were analyzed. Hematoxylin-eosin and picrosirius staining techniques were used. The images obtained were analyzed using a video morphometric technique to determine the constituents of total collagen and types I and III collagen in the transversalis fascia. The picrosirius-stained tissues were submitted to observation under polarized-light microscopy. RESULTS: The results showed 17.3% less total collagen in patients with hernias compared with the control group (P < .01). Type I collagen in patients with indirect inguinal hernias was 23.7% less than the control group (P < .01), type III collagen was 6.4% less in the controls (P < .01). CONCLUSION: The lower percentages of total collagen and type I collagen in the transversalis fascias of patients with indirect inguinal hernias could be a factor in hernia formation.
机译:背景:本研究的目的是与非腹股沟疝患者的横肌筋膜中横断筋膜中的总I型和III型胶原纤维的成分进行比较。方法:对26例患者和26例尸体的活检样本进行了分析。使用苏木精-伊红和picrosirius染色技术。使用视频形态计量技术分析获得的图像,以确定横筋膜中总胶原蛋白以及I型和III型胶原蛋白的成分。将经picrosirius染色的组织在偏振光显微镜下观察。结果:疝患者的胶原蛋白总量比对照组少17.3%(P <.01)。间接腹股沟疝患者的I型胶原蛋白比对照组少23.7%(P <.01),而对照组的III型胶原蛋白则比对照组少6.4%(P <.01)。结论:间接腹股沟疝患者横筋膜中总胶原蛋白和I型胶原蛋白的百分比较低可能是疝形成的一个因素。



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