
Pseudomyxoma peritonei.


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A 64-year-old man presented with 3-month history of increasing abdominal girth, anorexia with postprandial nausea and a weight loss of 6 kg. He had undergone appendectomy because of a tumor of appendix approximately 10 years ago. He was lost to follow-up and was free of symptoms. Physical examination showed a huge hard palpable mass in a distended abdomen with dullness to percussion. Laboratory tests showed slight anemia (hemoglobin: 10.4 g/dL) and hypoalbuminemia (albumin 3.0 g/dL). Serum carcinoembryonic antigen level was 10,716 ng/mL. Abdominal echogram showed multiple heterogeneous masses occupying in anterior abdomen and minimal ascites. Computed tomography of the abdomen showed multiple, septate, soft tissue masses scattered over the liver surface, omentum and mesentery with compression of liver margin and small and large bowel lumen (Figure 1). At exploratory laparotomy, widespread unre-sectable intra-abdominal jelly-like tumors coating the bowel and peritoneum were discovered. Pathologic examination showed well-differentiated mucin-containing tumor cells set in mutinous pools (Figure 2). Pseudomyxoma peritonei secondary to ruptured appendical mutinous adenocarcinoma was diagnosed.
机译:一名64岁的男子表现出3个月的腹围增加史,食欲不振,餐后恶心和体重减轻6公斤。由于大约10年前的阑尾肿瘤,他接受了阑尾切除术。他失去了随访,没有任何症状。体格检查显示肿胀的腹部巨大硬块,有敲击钝音。实验室检查显示轻度贫血(血红蛋白:10.4 g / dL)和低白蛋白血症(白蛋白3.0 g / dL)。血清癌胚抗原水平为10,716 ng / mL。腹部回声图显示多异质性肿块累及前腹和少量腹水。腹部计算机断层扫描显示,肝脏表面,大网膜和肠系膜上散布着多个分隔的软组织肿块,肝脏边缘受压,肠腔大小不一(图1)。在探索性剖腹手术中,发现了覆盖肠和腹膜的广泛无法切除的腹内果冻样肿瘤。病理检查显示,在粘液池中放置了分化良好的含粘蛋白的肿瘤细胞(图2)。诊断为继发性阑尾黏液性腺癌继发的腹膜假单胞菌。



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