首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of the Medical Sciences >Hypothyroid cardiac tamponade: clinical features, electrocardiography, pericardial fluid and management.

Hypothyroid cardiac tamponade: clinical features, electrocardiography, pericardial fluid and management.


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BACKGROUND: Cardiac tamponade associated with hypothyroidism has been reported, but few studies address the clinical features. This study aims to identify the patient characteristics and to propose a reasonable clinical approach for hypothyroid cardiac tamponade. METHOD: Patients admitted to Chang Gung Memorial Hospital between September 1998 and September 2008 with pericardial effusion secondary to hypothyroidism were enrolled. Cases involving cardiac tamponade were investigated. The clinical data, electrocardiography, echocardiography and aspirated fluid were examined. RESULTS: Thirty-six patients with moderate or large amount of pericardial effusion as a result of hypothyroidism were examined. Eight patients (22.2%) with both clinical and echocardiographic signs of tamponade were identified and were treated by pericardiocentesis or creation of pleural-pericardial window. These patients were characterized with normal sinus rhythm (80.75 +/- 13.45 beats/min), low voltage over limb leads (6 of 8, 75.0%), flat T wave (6 of 8, 75.0%) and clear yellowish pericardial fluid (7 of 8, 87.5%). Their heart rates were significantly lower (80.75 +/- 13.45 beats/min versus 112.75 +/- 12.87 beats/min, P < 0.01) than those of patients with cardiac tamponade from malignancy, autoimmune disease, tuberculosis and iatrogenic insult. Their interventricular septa were also significantly thicker (15.71 +/- 6.70 mm versus 11.70 +/- 2.11 mm, P = 0.02). Ten patients (27.8%) had echocardiographic signs of tamponade without paradoxical pulse and were successfully treated with thyroxine without pericardial drainage. CONCLUSION: For patients diagnosed with cardiac tamponade without sinus tachycardia, hypothyroidism should be highly suspected. Although emergent pericardiocentesis should be performed in clinical cardiac tamponade, patients with echocardiographic tamponade signs without a paradoxical pulse should be treated with thyroxine initially.
机译:背景:已有报道与甲状腺功能减退有关的心脏填塞,但很少有研究针对临床特征。这项研究旨在确定患者特征并为甲状腺功能减退性心脏压塞提出合理的临床方法。方法:纳入1998年9月至2008年9月在长庚纪念医院住院并因甲减而继发心包积液的患者。调查了涉及心脏压塞的病例。检查了临床数据,心电图,超声心动图和抽吸液。结果:检查了36例由于甲状腺功能减退而引起的中度或大量心包积液的患者。确定了8例(22.2%)的临床和心脏彩超的压塞症状,并通过心包穿刺术或创建胸膜-心包窗进行了治疗。这些患者的特征是窦性心律正常(80.75 +/- 13.45次/分钟),四肢导线上的低电压(8例中的6例,占75.0%),T波平坦(8例中的6例,占75.0%)和透明的淡黄色心包液( 8之7(87.5%)。与因恶性肿瘤,自身免疫性疾病,结核病和医源性侮辱而引起心脏压塞的患者相比,他们的心率显着降低(80.75 +/- 13.45次/分钟,而心律为112.75 +/- 12.87次/分钟,P <0.01)。他们的室间隔也明显较厚(15.71 +/- 6.70 mm对11.70 +/- 2.11 mm,P = 0.02)。 10例(27.8%)的患者有超声心动图,有无反常脉搏的填塞,并成功用甲状腺素治疗,无心包引流。结论:对于诊断为心脏压塞但无窦性心动过速的患者,应高度怀疑甲状腺功能减退。尽管应在临床心脏压塞中进行紧急心包穿刺术,但超声心动图压塞征无反常脉搏的患者应首先使用甲状腺素治疗。



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