首页> 外文期刊>The American journal of orthopedics >Anatomic variations in the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve with respect to pediatric hip surgery.

Anatomic variations in the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve with respect to pediatric hip surgery.


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Variations were documented in the course of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN) in the upper thigh relative to anatomic landmarks in 22 adult cadavers using the Smith-Petersen incision for the anterior approach to the hip. Distances from the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) to the point of nerve entry into the thigh were normalized as percentages of the distance from the ASIS to the pubic tubercle (PT) to relate the data to small children. In all cases, the LFCN passed deep to the inguinal ligament, entering the thigh a mean of 2.6 cm (SD, 1.9 cm) medial from the ASIS (19%+/-14% of the ASIS-PT distance), with distances ranging from 0.3 to 6.5 cm (2.6%-46.4%). With the data extrapolated to children, the LFCN may commonly be found medial to the ASIS about one fifth the distance from the ASIS to the PT. In 32% of cases, the LFCN ran directly inferiorly, but in 68% it coursed inferolaterally and then turned to run inferiorly close to the distal part of the incision. Expressed proportionally rather than only as mean measurements, these percentages provide a better estimate of the location of the LFCN in relation to patient size and thus are useful when operating in this region.
机译:使用史密斯-彼得森切口对髋关节进行前路入路时,相对于22个成年尸体的解剖标志,在大腿外侧股外侧皮神经(LFCN)的过程中发现了变化。将前上棘(ASIS)到大腿神经进入点的距离标准化为从ASIS到耻骨结节(PT)的距离的百分比,以将数据与儿童相关。在所有情况下,LFCN深入腹股沟韧带,进入大腿平均距离ASIS内侧2.6厘米(SD,1.9厘米)(ASIS-PT距离的19%+ /-14%),从0.3到6.5厘米(2.6%-46.4%)。将数据外推至儿童,通常可以发现LFCN位于ASIS的内侧,距离ASIS到PT的距离大约五分之一。在32%的病例中,LFCN直接在下下方运行,但在68%的情况下,其在下外侧行进,然后转向靠近切口的远端下部。这些百分比以比例表示,而不是仅以平均值表示,这些百分比可以更好地估计LFCN相对于患者的大小,因此在此区域操作时很有用。



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