首页> 外文期刊>Terra Nova >Precambrian-Palaeozoic geology of Smith Sound, Canada and Greenland: key constraint to palaeogeographic reconstructions of northern Laurentia and the North Atlantic region

Precambrian-Palaeozoic geology of Smith Sound, Canada and Greenland: key constraint to palaeogeographic reconstructions of northern Laurentia and the North Atlantic region


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Nares Strait separating Greenland and northernmost Canada is floored by continental crust. Most palaeogeographic reconstructions of Laurentia and the North Atlantic region model the seaway as the site of massive sinistral strike-slip and/or compression/transpression, subduction and collision, the supposed manifestations of the hypothetical Wegener Fault. However, these reconstructions fail to take into account the bedrock geology that represents within-plate evolution. Both sides of Smith Sound, the southernmost part of Nares Strait, expose the same early Proterozoic to early Palaeozoic assemblages that are unaffected by seaway-related tectonism or thermal activity. Smith Sound is an intact crustal block or `linchpin' demonstrating that there was no independent Greenland plate. North-west Greenland was not a leading plate margin neither was Nares Strait the site of the plate boundary between Greenland and North America. The Wegener Fault does not exist. The Smith Sound linchpin constitutes a key constraint that must be respected in any palaeogeographic reconstruction of the region.
机译:分隔格陵兰岛和加拿大最北端的纳雷斯海峡以大陆壳为基底。劳伦西亚(Laurentia)和北大西洋地区的大多数古地理重建都将航海模型化为大规模的左弦走滑和/或压缩/压转,俯冲和碰撞的站点,这是假设的韦格纳断层的假定表现。然而,这些重建没有考虑到代表板内演化的基岩地质。纳里斯海峡最南端的史密斯桑德(Smith Sound)的两侧,将相同的早期元古代和早期古生代组合暴露于不受航道相关构造或热活动影响的地方。史密斯桑德(Smith Sound)是一块完整的地壳或“ linchpin”,表明没有独立的格陵兰板块。西北格陵兰不是领先的板块边缘,也不是Nares Strait,它是格陵兰和北美之间板块边界的站点。 Wegener故障不存在。史密斯湾的关键因素构成了该地区任何古地理重建中必须遵守的关键约束。



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