首页> 外文期刊>Taxon >A molecular phylogeny and classification of the Cynodonteae (Poaceae: Chloridoideae) with four new genera: Orthacanthus, Triplasiella, Tripogonella, and Zaqiqah; three new subtribes: Dactylocteniinae, Orininae, and Zaqiqahinae; and a subgeneric classification of Distichlis

A molecular phylogeny and classification of the Cynodonteae (Poaceae: Chloridoideae) with four new genera: Orthacanthus, Triplasiella, Tripogonella, and Zaqiqah; three new subtribes: Dactylocteniinae, Orininae, and Zaqiqahinae; and a subgeneric classification of Distichlis


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Morphologically, the tribe Cynodonteae is a diverse group of grasses containing about 839 species in 96 genera and 18 subtribes, found primarily in Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Americas. Because the classification of these genera and species has been poorly understood, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis on 213 species (389 samples) in the Cynodonteae using sequence data from seven plastid regions (rps16-trnK spacer, rps16 intron, rpoC2, rp132-trnL spacer, ndhF, ndhA intron, ccsA) and the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS 1 & 2) to infer evolutionary relationships and refine the current classification. The phylogenetic tree from the combined plastid and nuclear region is well resolved depicting a strongly supported monophyletic Cynodonteae that includes 17 strongly supported clades corresponding to the subtribes Tripogoninae, Pappophorinae, Traginae, Muhlenbergiinae, Hilariinae, Scleropogoninae, Boutelouinae, Monanthochloinae, Dactylocteniinae, Eleusininae, Aeluropodinae, Triodiinae, Orcuttiinae, Zaqiqahinae, Farragininae, Perotidinae, and Gouiniinae, and two moderately supported clades corresponding to the Orininae and Hubbardochloinae. The plastid data places Odyssea paucinervis as sister to Neobouteloua in the Dactylocteniinae whereas the nuclear ITS data places it as sister to Aeluropus in the Aeluropodinae. Odyssea mucronata is strongly supported sister to the Cteniinae, Trichoneurinae, Farragininae, Perotidinae, Hubbardochloinae, and the Gouiniinae, and not closely related to Odyssea paucinervis. The nuclear data placed Acrachne racemosa as sister to Dactyloctenium in the Dactylocteniinae while the plastid data places it near the base of the Eleusininae. Our new classification recognizes three new subtribes (bringing the total to 21 subtribes): Dactylocteniinae that includes Acrachne, Brachychloa, Dactyloctenium, and Neobouteloua; Orininae with Cleistogenes and Orinus; and Zaqiqahinae with a single genus, Zaqiqah gen. nov.; Hubbardochloinae (resurrected here) with seven genera; and describes four new genera: Orthacanthus (Traginae) with a single species, Triplasiella (Gouiniinae) with a single species, Tripogonella (Tripogoninae) with three species, and Zaqiqah with a single species. We additionally provide a subgeneric classification of Distichlis recognizing three sections: D. sect. Monanthochloe, D. sect. Bajaenses, and D. sect. Spicatae, the latter two representing new sections. The following nine new combinations are made: Distichlis sect. Monanthochloe, Orthacanthus pedunculatus, Tridentopsis buckleyana, Tridentopsis mutica var. elongata, Triplasiella eragrotoides, Tripogonella loliiformis, Tripogonella minima, Tripogonella spicata, and Zaqiqah mucronata. We lectotypify the following five names: Festuca loliiformis, F. minima, F. mucronata, Triodia eragrostoides, and Uralepis elongata.
机译:从形态上讲,犬齿草是由96种属和18个亚族组成的大约839种的不同草丛,主要分布在非洲,亚洲,澳大利亚和美洲。由于对这些属和种的分类了解甚少,我们使用来自七个质体区(rps16-trnK间隔子,rps16内含子,rpoC2,rp132-trnL间隔子)的序列数据对食蟹鱼中的213种(389个样品)进行了系统发育分析,ndhF,ndhA内含子,ccsA)和核糖体内部转录间隔区(ITS 1和2)来推断进化关系并完善当前分类。结合质体和核区的系统树得到很好的解析,描绘了一个强支持的单齿犬齿科,其中包括17个强支持进化枝,分别对应于Tripogoninae,Pappophorinae,Traginae,Muhlenbergiinae,Hilariinae,Scleropogoninae,Boutelouinae,Monanthochloinaeina, ,Triodiinae,Orcuttiinae,Zaqiqahinae,Farragininae,Perotidinae和Gouiniinae,以及与Orininae和Hubbardochloinae相对应的两个中等支撑的进化枝。质体数据将Odyssea paucinervis定位为真齿act中新鞭毛虫的姐妹,而核ITS数据将其定位为拟南芥中的拟南芥的姐妹。 Odyssea mucronata是Cteniinae,Trichoneurinae,Farragininae,Perotidinae,Hubbardochloinae和Gouiniinae的有力支持的姐妹,与Odyssea paucinervis没有密切关系。核数据表明,沙棘亚种是沙门氏菌中Dactyloctenium的姊妹,而质体数据则将其定位在Eleusininae的基部附近。我们的新分类可识别三个新的子部落(总数达到21个):包括Acrachne,Brachychloa,Dactyloctenium和Neobouteloua的Dactylocteniinae; Orininae与Cleistogenes和Orinus;和Zaqiqahinae具有一个属Zaqiqah gen。十一月Hubbardochloinae(在这里复活)有七个属;并描述了四个新属:单一物种的百里香(Traginae),单一物种的Triplasiella(Gouiniinae),三个物种的Tripogonella(Tripogoninae)和Zaqiqah单一。我们还提供了Distichlis的亚属分类,可识别三个部分:D.宗。 Monanthochloe,D。教派。 Bajaenses和D.教派。 Spicatae,后两个代表新的部分。以下是九种新的组合:Distichlis教派。 Monanthochloe,Orthacanthus pedunculatus,Tridentopsis Buckyana,Tridentopsis mutica var。 long,曲霉,曲霉,细小曲霉,细线曲霉和杂色曲霉。我们选型以下五个名称:Festuca loliiformis,F. minima,F. mucronata,Triodia eragrostoides和Uralepis elongata。



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