首页> 外文期刊>Tectonophysics: International Journal of Geotectonics and the Geology and Physics of the Interior of the Earth >Mid-crustal shear zone formation in granitic rocks: Constraints from quantitative textural and crystallographic preferred orientations analyses

Mid-crustal shear zone formation in granitic rocks: Constraints from quantitative textural and crystallographic preferred orientations analyses


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This paper presents quantitativemicrostructural and crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) analyses of an Alpine amphibolite facies shear zone developed in the Fibbiametagranite (Gotthardmassif, Central Alps). The weakly deformed metagranite and orthogneiss at the margins of the shear zone are characterized by a bulk strain partitioning between harder coarse-grained monomineralic aggregates, derived from quartz and K-feldspar porphyroclasts, and softer fine-grained plagioclase-bearing shear bands. A characteristic feature is a dilatant fracturing of strong quartz and feldspar aggregates. CPOs and microtextures suggest that quartz and K-feldspar aggregates are dynamically recrystallized via dislocation creep while plagioclases show evidences of fluid-assisted diffusive mass transfer and grain boundary sliding. In the mylonite and ultramylonite shear zone core, the porphyroclastsderived quartz and K-feldspar layers are broken-downto produce a polyphased matrix that is characterized by a homogeneousmicron- scale grain size and regular/randomdistribution. Here, the deformation of the whole aggregate occurs via a fluid-assisted dissolution-precipitation creep and grain boundary sliding, referred as a fluid-assisted granular flow.We propose a model of shear zone formation associated with the nucleation of shear zone followed by lateral widening of the sheared domain. The lateral broadening of the shear zone is driven by (1) the increase in fluid pressure in permeable albite-oligoclase shear bands that results in expulsion of fluids to the shear zone margins and hydraulic fracturing of strong aggregates, and (2) the thermodynamic re-equilibration via metasomatic reactions of the shear zone walls.
机译:本文介绍了在Fibbiametagranite(Gotthardmassif,中部阿尔卑斯山)发育的一个高山闪石岩相剪切带的定量显微组织和晶体学优选取向(CPO)分析。剪切带边缘的变形较弱的变质花岗岩和正片麻岩的特征是,在较硬的粗粒单矿物聚集体(由石英和钾长石卟啉生成物)和较软的细粒斜长石剪切带之间进行了整体应变分配。一个特征是强石英和长石骨料的膨胀破裂。 CPO和微观纹理表明,石英和钾长石聚集体通过位错蠕变而动态地重结晶,而斜长石显示出流体辅助扩散质量转移和晶界滑动的证据。在白云母和超白云母剪切带岩心中,由卟啉弹性体衍生的石英和钾长石层被分解成多相基质,其特征是均一的微米级晶粒尺寸和规则/随机分布。在这里,整个骨料的变形是通过流体辅助的溶出-沉淀蠕变和晶界滑动而发生的,称为流体辅助的颗粒流。我们提出了一个与剪切带成核,随后是横向剪切有关的剪切带形成模型。剪切域的扩大。剪切带的横向展宽是由(1)渗透性钠长石-低聚石剪切带中的流体压力增加引起的,该流体带导致流体驱逐到剪切带边缘和强骨料的水力压裂,以及(2)热力学通过剪切带壁的交代反应达到平衡。



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