首页> 外文期刊>Tectonophysics: International Journal of Geotectonics and the Geology and Physics of the Interior of the Earth >U-Pb zircon geochronology of late Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian granitoids in Iran: Implications for paleogeography, magmatism, and exhumation history of Iranian basement

U-Pb zircon geochronology of late Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian granitoids in Iran: Implications for paleogeography, magmatism, and exhumation history of Iranian basement


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Eurasia has largely grown to its present enormous size through episodic addition of crustal blocks by recurring birth and demise of oceans such as Paleotethys and Neotethys. Excluding the Kopet Dagh Mountains in the northeast, crystalline basement rocks of various dimensions are exposed in all continental tectonic zones of Iran. These rocks have traditionally been viewed as continental fragments with Gondwanan affinity and summarily been assigned Precambrian or younger ages, despite the fact that evidence from isotopic dating has largely been lacking. This study presents new ion microprobe and thermal-ionization zircon U-Pb geochronological data from granitoids and orthogneisses from several locations in central Iran and the Sanandaj-Sidan structural zones to determine crystallization ages and investigate the origin and continental affinity of these various crustal fragments. The resulting U-Pb crystallization ages for the granites and orthogneisses range from late Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian, matching the mostly juvenile Arabian-Nubian shield and Peri-Gondwanan terranes constructed after the main phase of Pan-African orogenesis. TIMS analyses of zircons with inherited cores from western Iran suggest that the Neoproterozoic crust of Iran might not be entirely juvenile, pointing to the potential presence of inherited older Proterozoic components as is common in the eastern Arabian shield. More importantly, the new zircon U-Pb crystallization ages unequivocally demonstrate that crystalline basement underlying the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, central Iran, and the Alborz Mountains is composed of continental fragments with Gondwanan affiliation, characterized by wide spread late Neoproterozoic subduction-related magmatism. The exposure of these late Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian basement rocks in the Iranian regions north of the Zagros is structurally controlled and linked to both large-scale crustal extension and exhumation during Mesozoic and Tertiary time as well as Tertiary collisional tectonics associated with the closure of Neotethys. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:欧亚大陆通过反复繁殖和消亡诸如Paleotethys和Neotethys之类的海洋而大量增加了地壳块,从而使欧亚大陆已基本发展到目前的巨大规模。除东北部的科佩特·达格山脉外,伊朗所有大陆构造区都暴露出各种尺寸的晶体基底岩石。传统上,这些岩石被视为具有冈瓦南亲和力的大陆性碎片,并且被归为寒武纪或更早的年龄,尽管事实上缺乏同位素定年的证据。这项研究提供了来自伊朗中部和Sanandaj-Sidan结构区几个位置的花岗岩和原片麻岩中新的离子微探针和热电离锆石U-Pb年代学数据,以确定结晶年龄并调查了这些不同地壳碎片的成因和大陆亲和力。花岗岩和原片麻岩的最终U-Pb结晶年龄范围从新元古代晚期到寒武纪早期,与在泛非造山作用主要阶段之后构造的大部分为幼年的阿拉伯-努比亚盾构和Peri-Gondwanan地貌相匹配。 TIMS对伊朗西部具有继承核的锆石的分析表明,伊朗的新元古代地壳可能并不完全是幼稚的,这表明,在阿拉伯东部的盾牌中很可能存在继承的较老的元古代成分。更重要的是,新的锆石U-Pb晶化年龄明确表明,Sanandaj-Sirjan区,伊朗中部和Alborz山下的晶体基底是由冈第瓦南隶属的大陆碎片组成的,其特征是晚新元古代俯冲相关的岩浆作用广泛分布。这些晚期新元古代-早寒武纪基底岩在扎格罗斯以北的伊朗地区的暴露受到结构控制,并与中生代和第三纪期间大规模的地壳伸展和掘出有关,以及与新特提斯关闭有关的第三系碰撞构造。 (C)2008由Elsevier B.V.发布



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