首页> 外文期刊>Tectonophysics: International Journal of Geotectonics and the Geology and Physics of the Interior of the Earth >A transect across Australia's southern margin in the Otway Basin region: crustal architecture and the nature of lifting from wide-angle seismic profiling

A transect across Australia's southern margin in the Otway Basin region: crustal architecture and the nature of lifting from wide-angle seismic profiling


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The Otway Basin in southeastern Australia formed on a triangular-shaped area of extended continental lithosphere during two extensional episodes in Cretaceous-to-Miocene times which ultimately led to the separation of Australia and Antarctica. The velocity structure and crustal architecture of the Otway continental margin has been interpreted from offshore-onshore wide-angle seismic profiling data along a transect extending from near the northern Otway Basin margin with Palaeozoic outcrop to the deep ocean basin under the Southern Ocean. Along this transect, the Otway Continental Margin (OCM) Transect, the onshore half-graben geometry of Early Cretaceous deposition gives way to a 5-km-thick basin sequence (P-wave velocity 2.2-4.6 km/s) extending down the continental slope offshore to at least 60 km from the shoreline. At 120 km from the nearest shore, sonobuoy data indicate a 4-5 km sedimentary sequence overlying 7 km of crustal basement rocks above the Moho at 15 km depth (water depth 4220 m). Conspicuous strong Moho reflections are evident under the continental slope at about 10.2 s TWT. Basement is interpreted to be attenuated/faulted Palaeozoic rocks of the Delamerian and Lachlan Orogens (intruded with Jurassic volcanics) that thin from 16 km onshore to about 3.5 km at 120 km from the nearest shore. These rocks comprise a 3 km section that has a velocity of 5.5-5.7 km/s overlying deeper basement with a velocity of 6.15-6.35 km/s. Over the same distance the Moho shallows from a depth of 30 km onshore to 15 km depth at 120 km from the nearest shore, and then to about 12 km in the deep ocean at the limits of the profile (water depth 5200 m). The continent-ocean boundary (COB) is interpreted to be at a prominent topographic inflection point at the bottom of the continental slope in 4800 m of water. P-wave velocities in the lower crust are 6.4-6.8 km/s above a transition to the Moho, with an upper mantle velocity of 8.05 km/s. There is no evidence of massive high-velocity (>7 km/s) intrusives/underplate material in the lower crust nor any syn-rift or early post-rift subaerial volcanics, indicating that the Otway continental margin can be considered a non-volcanic margin, similar in many respects to some parts of the Atlantic Ocean margins, e.,g. the Nova Scotia-Newfoundland margin off Canada and the Galicia Bank off the Iberian Peninsula. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 47]
机译:在白垩纪至中新世的两次扩张事件中,澳大利亚东南部的奥特韦盆地形成于扩张大陆岩石圈的三角形区域,最终导致了澳大利亚和南极洲的分离。奥特威大陆边缘的速度结构和地壳构造是根据沿一条从古生代露头的奥特威盆地北部边缘附近延伸到南大洋深海盆地的样带的近海-陆上广角地震剖面资料来解释的。沿着这条样带,奥特韦大陆边缘(OCM)样带,早白垩世沉积的陆上半颗粒状几何结构让位于一个延伸至大陆的5 km厚的盆地序列(P波速度为2.2-4.6 km / s)。倾斜到离海岸线至少60公里的海上。在距最近海岸120公里处,声纳浮标数据表明,在莫霍河之上15公里深度(水深4220 m)上方7公里的地壳基底岩石上,沉积序列为4-5公里。在约10.2 s TWT的大陆坡下,明显可见强烈的Moho反射。地下室被解释为是德拉梅里安和拉克兰造山带(侏罗纪火山喷发)的衰减/断层的古生代岩石,从陆上16 km薄到距最近海岸120 km的约3.5 km。这些岩石包括一个3 km的断面,其速度为5.5-5.7 km / s,上覆于较深的地下室,速度为6.15-6.35 km / s。在相同的距离上,Moho会从陆上30 km的深度变浅到距最近海岸120 km的15 km的深度,然后在剖面界限(水深5200 m)的深海中变浅至约12 km。大陆-海洋边界(COB)被解释为在4800 m水中的大陆斜坡底部的一个明显的地形拐点。下地壳的P波速度比向Moho的过渡高6.4-6.8 km / s,上地幔速度为8.05 km / s。没有证据表明下地壳中没有大规模的高速(> 7 km / s)侵入物/底板物质,也没有任何同裂谷或裂谷后早期的空中火山岩,这表明奥特韦大陆边缘可被认为是非火山岩边缘,在许多方面与大西洋边缘的某些部分相似,例如加拿大新斯科舍省和纽芬兰的边缘,伊比利亚半岛外的加利西亚银行。 (C)1998 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。 [参考:47]



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