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Meeting: 'From rod to wire and wire products'


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"Joining forces is the key not only for surviving, but also in order to strengthen competitiveness". With these words, Pier Paolo Celeste, Director of ICE (Istituto per il Commercio Estero - Institute for Foreign Commerce) in Milan, opened officially the works of the international meeting "From rod to wire and wire products", which took place at Stresa from 19 to 22 October 2003. Therefore, for three days Stresa has been the capital of wire. The meeting has been the result of an intensive organizing work, which has lasted three years and has been carried out by the most prestigious associations of the world in the domain of wire and cable: Wai (The Wire Association International), Iwma (International Wire and Machinery Association), Acimaf (Associazione Costruttori Italiani Macchine per il Filo - Italian Producers of Machines of Wire Association), Cet (Comite Europeen de la Trefilerie - European Association of Drawing), with the collaboration of Aim (Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia - Italian Metallurgy Association). The choice of an Italian town for the meeting is not incidental: as a matter of fact, this event is always organized in the Country where the newly-elected President of Wai Association was born. At present, the new President is the engineer Giulio Properzi (Continuus S.p.A. - Properzi International Inc.), who is also one of the counselors of Acimaf. During three days, a complete picture of the main problems which the domain of wire and cable encounters today has been offered to the participants: research, industrial applications, tendencies of the market. Two days have been devoted to the technical-scientific presentations, subdivided in two sections: ferrous materials and non-ferrous ones. The meeting ended with two guided tours to the plants of two famous companies of this sector. In addition, a "Suppliers' Corner" has been prepared, where the companies which were interested in this project have shown their catalogues and given information about their products.
机译:“加入部队不仅是生存的关键,而且是增强竞争力的关键”。米兰国际ICE(Istituto per il Commercio Estero-对外贸易学院)所长Pier Paolo Celeste用这些话正式宣布了国际会议的工作,该会议是从2003年10月19日至22日。因此,斯特雷萨连续三天成为铁丝网的首都。这次会议是经过长达三年的密集组织工作的结果,并且是由世界上电线电缆领域最负盛名的协会进行的:Wai(国际电线协会),Iwma(国际电线)和机械协会),Acimaf(意大利电线协会机械制造商协会),Cet(欧洲制图协会欧洲委员会),Aim(意大利金属协会协会)合作冶金协会)。选择意大利城镇参加会议并不是偶然的:事实上,此活动始终在新当选的围协会主席出生的国家/地区组织。目前,新任总裁是工程师Giulio Properzi(Continuus S.p.A.-Properzi International Inc.),他也是Acimaf的顾问之一。在三天内,已向参与者提供了当今电线电缆领域所遇到的主要问题的完整图片:研究,工业应用,市场趋势。为期两天的技术科学演讲分为两个部分:黑色金属材料和有色金属材料。会议结束后,进行了两次带导游的对该行业两家著名公司的工厂的参观。此外,还准备了一个“供应商专区”,对这个项目感兴趣的公司在那里展示了他们的目录并提供了有关其产品的信息。



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